
第22章 职场人际交流(1)

Employee Communication


周一到周五我上班。 I work from Monday to Frid-



我们公司8点上班。 Our company starts work at 8 o’clock.

3. 从你的家到公司需要多长时间? How far is it from your home to work?

4. 我坐地铁30分钟可以到公司。 It takes 30 minutes on the su-

bway to get to work.

5. 我在等电梯。 I’m waiting for the lift / ele-vator.


我今天送你去上班。 Today I’ll take you to work.


每天早上8点,电梯里有很多人。 Everyday at 8 o’clock, the lift is full of people.


我们走楼梯吧。 Let’s take the stairs.

9. 你每天怎么来上班? How do you get to work ev-eryday?

10. 我今天打车来的。 Today I came by taxi.

11. 我来早了。 I arrived early.

12. 我总是提前20分钟到公司。 I always arrive at work 20 mi-

nutes early.

13. 早上好! Good morning!

14. 我不喜欢星期一上班。 I don’t like to go to work on Mondays.

15. 到公司后的第一件事就是看邮件。 When I get to work, the first thing I do is check my E-mails.

16. 这是您今天的日程表。 This is your schedule for to-


17. 吃早饭了吗? Have you eaten breakfast?

18. 帮我冲一杯咖啡。 Please make me a coffee.

19. 哦,公司还没有开门。 The company still hasn’t opened.

20. 我是第一个到公司的。 I’m the first to arrive at the company.


周一到周五我上班。 I work from Monday to Frid-



我们公司8点上班。 Our company starts work at 8 o’clock.

3. 从你的家到公司需要多长时间? How far is it from your home to work?

4. 我坐地铁30分钟可以到公司。 It takes 30 minutes on the su-

bway to get to work.

5. 我在等电梯。 I’m waiting for the lift / ele-vator.


我今天送你去上班。 Today I’ll take you to work.


每天早上8点,电梯里有很多人。 Everyday at 8 o’clock, the lift is full of people.


我们走楼梯吧。 Let’s take the stairs.

9. 你每天怎么来上班? How do you get to work ev-eryday?

10. 我今天打车来的。 Today I came by taxi.

11. 我来早了。 I arrived early.

12. 我总是提前20分钟到公司。 I always arrive at work 20 mi-

nutes early.

13. 早上好! Good morning!

14. 我不喜欢星期一上班。 I don’t like to go to work on Mondays.

15. 到公司后的第一件事就是看邮件。 When I get to work, the first thing I do is check my E-mails.

16. 这是您今天的日程表。 This is your schedule for to-


17. 吃早饭了吗? Have you eaten breakfast?

18. 帮我冲一杯咖啡。 Please make me a coffee.

19. 哦,公司还没有开门。 The company still hasn’t opened.

20. 我是第一个到公司的。 I’m the first to arrive at the company.


我们5点下班。 We finish work at 5 o’clock.


我下班了。 I’ve finished work.

3. 我们一起走吧。 Let’s go together.

4. 等我一下,我关了电脑。 Wait a moment, I’m turning off my computer.

5. 开完会以后我们就下班。 When the meeting is over we can finish work.


写完报告我就可以下班了。 When this report is finished I can finish work.


今天可以早一点下班。 You can finish work a little earlier today.


下班后我直接回家。 I go straight home after wo-


9. 今天要晚一点下班。 Today I need to finish work a little later.

10. 可以下班了吗? Can I finish work?

11. 我们走下去吧。 Let’s go down.

12. 下班的时候,等电梯的人很多。 When people finish work, the lifts are very busy.

13. 下班得刷卡。 You have to swipe your card when you finish work.

14. 可以提前下班吗? Can I finish work early?

15. 我们在外边等你。 We will wait for you outside.

16. 我锁门,你们先走。 I’ll lock the door, you guys go on ahead.

17. 请把灯关了。 Please turn off the light.

18. 请检查一下所有的办公室。 Please check the entire offi-


19. 所有的电脑都关了吗? Are all the computers turned off?


我要迟到了。 I’ll be late.


对不起,我迟到了。 I’m sorry I’m late.

3. 已经8点了,我还没到公司。 It’s already 8, and I still have-

n’t got to work.

4. 你又迟到了。 You are late again.

5. 我差一点迟到。 I was nearly late.


路上堵车。 The roads have traffic jams.


我今天起床起晚了。 I woke up late this morning.


我可能会迟到。 I might be late.

9. 请告诉经理,我晚一点到公司。 Please tell my manager I will arrive at the company a little late.

10. 我的车在路上坏了。 My car broke down on the ro-


11. 我可能会迟到5分钟。 I’ll be 5 minutes late.

12. 迟到了会扣钱吗? Will money be deducted if I’m late?

13. 这个月我已经迟到了3次了。 I’ve already been late 3 tim-

es this month.

14. 第一次迟到,经理不会生气的。 If your late once, the mana-

ger won’t be angry.

15. 我从来没有迟到过。 I’ve never been late before.

16. 迟到10分钟以上要扣钱。 Money will be deducted if

more than 10 minutes late.

17. 你终于来了。 I’ve arrived at last.

18. 今天下雪了,很多人迟到了。 It’s raining today so lots of

people are late.

19. 下次不要迟到了。 Don’t be late again.

20. 我们都在等你开会。 We are all waiting for you so we can start the meeting.


我5点不能下班了。 I can’t finish work at 5.


今天晚上我要加班。 I need to work overtime ton-


3. 这个周末加班吗? Is there overtime this week-


4. 我们部门常常加班。 Our department often does overtime.

5. 有加班费吗? Is there overtime pay?


没有加班费。 There is no overtime pay.


我讨厌加班。 I’m sick of doing overtime.


恐怕我得工作到9点。 I’m afraid I have to work un-

til 9 o’clock.

9. 我得写完报告才能下班。 I need to finish this report, then I can finish work.

10. 吃完饭以后我得去公司加班。 After I’ve eaten, I need to go back to the company and do some overtime.

11. 昨天晚上我加班到10点。 Yesterday night I did overti-

me until 10 o’clock.

12. 我每个月加班一次。 I do overtime once a month.

13. 加班的时候我要喝很多咖啡。 I drink a lot of coffee when I work overtime.

14. 你要工作到几点啊? When do you need to work until?

15. 今天只有我一个人加班。 Today only I am doing overt-



今天下午我们部门要开会。 This afternoon our departm-

ent will have a meeting.


几点开会? What time is the meeting?

3. 在哪个会议室? In which meeting room?

4. 下午3点我要开会。 I want a meeting this aftern-

oon at 3 o’clock.

5. 每周一上午我们开会。 One morning each week we have a meeting.


我在开会。 I’m in a meeting.


开会的时候,请关闭你的手机。 During meetings, please turn off your phone.


这个会议需要半个小时。 This meeting will be half an hour long.

9. 你在会上发言吗? Are you speaking at the mee-


10. 明天要开会讨论新产品的事。 I need a meeting tomorrow to discuss the new product.

11. 我的老板很喜欢开会。 My boss likes to have meeti-


12. 会议结束了。 The meeting is over.

13. 会议大概几点结束? Roughly what time will the meeting finish?

14. 我要去上海总公司开会。 I need to go to Shanghai for a head office meeting.

15. 所有的人都到齐了吗? Is everyone here together?

16. 王雷出差了,不能参加会议。 Wang Lei is on a business trip, so he can’t attend the meeting.

17. 现在大家讨论一下这个问题。 Let us all discuss this prob-


18. 你有什么建议? What is your suggestion?

19. 你同意这个计划吗? Do you agree with this plan?

20. 请说说你的想法。 Please tell me your ideas.


我想和你商量一下薪水的问题。 I would like to talk over with you the problem with my salary.


我想涨工资。 I want a pay rise.

3. 我对我的薪水不太满意。 I’m not satisfied with my salary.

4. 我觉得我的工资有点低。 I think my salary is a little low.

5. 为什么只有我没有加薪? Why am I the only one with-

out a pay rise?


我觉得您应该给我加薪。 I think you should give me a pay rise.


我工作很努力,应该给我加薪。 I work hard, so I should have a pay rise.


我已经完成了工作任务,有奖金吗? I have already finished my task, do I get a bonus?

9. 公司同意给你加薪。 The company has agreed to give you a bonus.

10. 只加2%,太少了。 A rise of 2% is too little.

11. 你今年的工作成绩是最好的,公司决定给你加薪。 Your performance at work has been the best this year, so the company has agreed to give you a pay rise.

12. 我现在的工资不够,所以我向银行贷了款。 My salary is not enough, so I’ve taken a bank loan.

13. 如果不加薪,我会考虑辞职。 If I don’t get a pay rise, I will consider resigning.

14. 我今年还没有加薪。 I still haven’t got a pay rise this year.

15. 为什么他的工资比我高? Why is his salary higher than mine?


我要升职了。 I’ve got a promotion.


恭喜你! Congratulations!

3. 我要推荐你做主管。 I want to recommend you to be in charge.

4. 公司决定让我做部门经理。 The company have decided that I should be the depart-