
第26章 庆祝节日或纪念日(1)

Celebrating Festivals or



明天就是新年了。 Next year is a New Year.


新年好! Happy New Year!

3. 祝你新年快乐! Wishing you a happy New


4. 在新的一年里你有什么愿望? What is your wish for the

New Year?

5. 新的一年到了。 A New Year has come.


还有1分钟就是2012年了。 One more minute until it’s



你在哪里庆祝新年? Where are you celebrating

New Year?


新年的时候我收到很多礼物。 I received lots of presents

for New Year.

9. 我要给朋友准备新年礼物。 I need to give my friend a

New Year present.

10. 我收到了你的新年礼物。 I received your New Year


11. 我今年没有收到新年礼物。 This year, I didn’t receive

any New Year’s gifts.

12. 我和我的家人一起过新年。 I will be with my family for New Year.

13. 今年我在国外过新年! This year I will be abroad for New Year!

14. 新年的时候你做什么? What are you doing in the New Year?

15. 希望你在新的一年里找到男朋友。 I hope you find a new boyfr-

iend in the New Year.

16. 路上很漂亮。 The road is beautiful.

17. 你买烟花了吗? Have you bought fireworks?

18. 我很喜欢看烟花。 I really like watching firewo-


19. 哦,时间好快啊,又是新的一年! Oh, time flies, it’s another New Year!

20. 我希望新年可以给我带来好运! I hope the new year will bri-

ng me some good luck.


春节快乐! Happy Spring Festival!


春节是中国的传统节日。 Spring Festival is a traditi-onal Chinese holiday.

3. 我们去看烟花吧。 Let’s go and watch the fire-


4. 春节前夕我们要包饺子。 On Spring Festival Eve, we will make dumplings.

5. 我很喜欢中国的春节。 I really like Chinese Spring Festival.


中国人很重视春节。 Chinese people really value Spring Festival.


春节的时候要穿新衣服。 You should wear new cloth-

es for Spring Festival.


我收到很多压岁钱。 I have received a lot of gift money.

9. 奶奶给了我很多压岁钱。 My grandmother gave me a lot of lucky money.

10. 孩子们可以收到很多压岁钱。 Children can receive a lot of lucky money.

11. 春节的时候要去看望亲戚和朋友。 Spring Festival is the time to visit relatives and friends.

12. 春节的时候一定要吃饺子。 You must eat dumplings on Spring Festival.

13. 我打算今年在北京过春节。 This year I plan to be in Chi-

na for Spring Festival.

14. 春节的时候可以看到很多有意思的表演。 You can see lots of interest-

ing performances during Spring Festival.

15. 放鞭炮是春节的一个习俗。 Setting off fireworks is a Spring Festival tradition.

16. 除夕夜你做什么? What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?

17. 除夕夜我在家看电视。 On New Year’s Eve, I will be at home watching TV with my family.

18. 我们去广场看烟花吧。 Let’s go to the square to

watch the fireworks.

19. 哦,鞭炮的声音很大。 Oh, firecrackers are so noisy.

20. 午夜12点你做什么? What do you do at midnight?


情人节快到了。 It’s Valentine’s Day.


明天是情人节。 Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day.

3. 情人节快乐! Happy Valentine’s Day.

4. 这是一个浪漫的节日! This is a romantic festival!

5. 你打算和女朋友怎么过情人节? Have you planned how to spend Valentine’s day with your girlfriend?


什么时候是情人节? When is Valentine’s Day?


没有人和我过情人节。 I have no one to spend Vale-

ntine’s Day with.


你送玫瑰花给你的女朋友了吗? Have you sent your girlfriend roses?

9. 我要吃巧克力。 I want to eat chocolate.

10. 我要预订情人节的玫瑰花。 I want to order some roses for Valentine’s Day.

11. 2月14号是西方国家的情人节。 February 14th is Valentine’s Day in western countries.

12. 我不喜欢情人节。 I don’t like Valentine’s Day.

13. 情人节晚上我们去看电影。 On Valentine’s Day night, we are going to the cinema.

14. 我想和我老婆一起去吃西餐。 I’m going to a western restaurant with my wife.

15. 我的男朋友送给我一盒巧克力。 My boyfriend gave me a box of chocolates.

16. 你打算送多少枝玫瑰花? How many roses are you pl-

anning to send?

17. 情人节买花很贵。 Flowers are expensive on Va-

lentine’s Day.

18. 我们可以一起过情人节吗? Can we spend Valentine’s Day together?

19. 情人节我要给老婆一个惊喜! I want to give my wife a sur-

prise on Valentine’s Day!

20. 情人节,我老公要出差。 On Valentine’s Day, my hu-

sband is away on business.


你知道复活节吗? Do you know about Easter?


什么时候是复活节? When is Easter?

3. 复活节是耶稣复活的那一天。 Easter is the day of Jesus’


4. 你知道复活节的来历吗? Do you know the origin of the Easter holiday?

5. 复活节是基督教的节日。 Easter is a Christian festival.


我要准备很多彩蛋送给朋友。 I want to prepare lots of col-

orful eggs to give my friends.


你收到礼物了吗? Have you received any pres-



复活节的时候你们做什么? What do you do for Easter?

9. 复活节有什么活动? What activities are there dur-

ing the Easter holidays?

10. 我们可以玩儿很多游戏。 We can play a lot of games.

11. 每年复活节的日期不一样。 Every year, the date for Eas-

ter is different.

12. 这里不庆祝复活节。 Easter isn’t celebrated here.

13. 这些彩蛋都是你画的吗? Did you paint all these color-

ful eggs?

14. 这家店的彩蛋很漂亮。 The colorful eggs in this sh-

op are beautiful.

15. 复活节你去教堂吗? Do you go to church during Easter?


周末是母亲节。 This weekend is Mother’s Day.


母亲节是什么时候? When is Mother’s Day?

3. 在中国,5月的第二个星期日是母亲节。 In China, the second Sunday in May is Mother’s Day.

4. 有些国家母亲节的时间不一样。 Mother’s Day is at a differ-

ent time in other countries.

5. 妈妈,祝你节日快乐! Mum, happy Mother’s Day!


我要送花给妈妈。 I’ll send some flowers to my mum.


母亲节送什么礼物? What gifts to you give on Mother’s Day?


你可以送康乃馨。 You can send carnations.

9. 我打算送一张卡片给妈妈。 I’m planning to give my mum a card.

10. 哦,我忘了今天是母亲节。 Oh, I forgot today was Mo-ther’s Day.

11. 我想送给妈妈一个包。 I’m planning to give my mother a bag.

12. 母亲节的时候别忘了给妈妈打一个电话。 Don’t forget to give your mum a call on Mother’s Day.

13. 你知道母亲节的来历吗? Do you know the origins of Mother’s Day?

14. 母亲节最早起源于古希腊。 Mother’s day has very early origins.

15. 母亲节为什么送康乃馨? Why are carnations sent on Mother’s Day?

16. 妈妈,我爱你! Mum, I love you.

17. 感谢妈妈教会我很多东西。 I thank my mother for teach-

ing me so many things.

18. 收到礼物的时候妈妈笑了。 When my mother received her gift she smiled.

19. 我希望妈妈身体健康! I hope my mother is healthy.

20. 母亲节我做饭给妈妈吃。 I’m cooking for my mum for Mother’s day.


明天是父亲节。 Tomorrow is Father’s Day.


我不知道什么时候是父亲节。 When is Father’s Day.

3. 我从没给爸爸庆祝过父亲节。 I have never wished my dad happy Father’s Day.

4. 6月的第三个星期日是父亲节。 Father’s Day is on the 3rd

Sunday of June.

5. 今年父亲节我得给爸爸买一份礼物。 This year I must give my dad a present.


我很崇拜我的爸爸。 I really adore my dad.


祝您父亲节快乐! Wishing you happy Father’s Day!


谢谢爸爸对我的教育! Thank you dad for giving me an education!

9. 你是最好的爸爸! You are the best dad!

10. 爸爸,你辛苦了! Dad, you work very hard!

11. 我还没有想好送什么给爸爸。 I still don’t know what to give my father.

12. 你打算怎么庆祝父亲节? How are you planning to ce-

lebrate Father’s Day?

13. 我很感谢我的爸爸。 I’m very grateful to my dad.

14. 我要给爸爸买一块手表。 I want to buy my father a wa-


15. 我想满足爸爸一个愿望。 I want to fulfill my dad’s ex-


16. 今天爸爸很开心! Today dad is very happy!

17. 我以后不会让爸爸生气了。 I will not anger my dad any-


18. 爸爸说我就是他最好的礼物。 My dad says that I am his best gift.

19. 我给爸爸买了他最喜欢的酒。 I’ve given my dad a bottle of the best alcohol.

20. 这是一个难忘的父亲节! This is an unforgettable Fath-

er’s Day!
