
第44章 Heal the Kids (2)

Friends,the foundation of all human knowledge,the beginning of human consciousness,must be that each and every one of us is an object of love. Before you know if you have red hair or brown,before you know if you are black or white,before you know of what religion you are a part,you have to know that you are loved.

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same,then everything that happens in-between can he dealt with. A professor may degrade you,but you will not feel degraded;a boss may crush you,but you will not be crushed;a corporate gladiator might vanquish you,but you will still triumph. How could any of them truly prevail in pulling you down? For you know that you are an object worthy of love. The rest is just packaging. But if you don’t have that memory of being loved,you are condemned to search the world for something to fill you up. But no matter how much money you make or how famous you become,you will still fell empty.

What you are really searching for is unconditional love and unqualified acceptance. And that was the one thing that was denied to you at birth. Friends,let me paint a picture for you. Here is a typical day in America—six youths under the age of 20 will commit suicide;12 children under the age of 20 will die from firearms—remember this is a day,not a year. Three hundred and ninety-nine kids will be arrested for drug abuse,and 1,352 babies will be born to teen mothers. This is happening in one of the richest and most developed countries in the history of the world. Yes,in my country there is an epidemic of violence that parallels no other industrialized nation. These are the ways young people in America express their hurt and their anger. But I don’t think that there is not the same pain and anguish among their counterparts in the UK. Studies in this country show that every single hour,three teenagers in the UK inflict harm upon themselves,often by cutting or burning their bodies or taking an overdose. This is now they have chosen to cope with the pain of neglect and emotional agony.