
第32章 超越均势政策(二):卡吉尔冲突与美国的克什米尔政策(5)

⑨Alan Sipress and Thomas E.Ricks,“Report:India,Pakistan were near nuclear war”,The Washington Post,May 15,2002.当时任克林顿南亚事务特别助理的布鲁斯·里德尔在一份报告中也提到,在1999年7月4日的会谈中,克林顿把这一情况告诉了当时也许并不知情的巴基斯坦总理谢里夫。参阅Bruce Riedel,“American Diplomacy and the 1999 Kargil Summit at Blair House”,Center for the Advanced Study of India(CASI),University of Pennsylvania,Policy Paper Series,2002,inhttp://www.sas.upenn.edu/casi.

⑩Bruce Riedel,“American Diplomacy and the 1999 Kargil Summit at Blair House”,Center for the Advanced Study of India(CASI),University of Pennsylvania,Policy Paper Series,2002,in http://www.sas.upenn.edu/casi.

[11]Farhan Bokhari and May Louise Kazmin,“U.S.General Presses Pakistan on Kashmir”,Financial Times,June 25,1999.

[12]Bruce Riedel,“American Diplomacy and the 1999 Kargil Summit at Blair House”,Center for the Advanced Study of India(CASI),University of Pennsylvania,Policy Paper Series,2002,in http://www.sas.upenn.edu/casi.

[13]“Joint Statement by President Clinton and Prime Minister Sharif of Pakistan”,The White House,Office of the Press Secretary,July 4,1999.


[15]Bruce Riedel,“American Diplomacy and the 1999 Kargil Summit at Blair House”,Center for the Advanced Study of India(CASI),University of Pennsylvania,Policy Paper Series,2002,in http://www.sas.upenn.edu/casi.

[16]Sumit Ganguly,Conflict Unending:India‐Pakistan Tensions since 1947,New York:Columbia University Press,2001,p.119.

[17]Bruce Riedel,“American Diplomacy and the 1999 Kargil Summit at Blair House”,Center for the Advanced Study of India(CASI),University of Pennsylvania,Policy Paper Series,2002,in http://www.sas.upenn.edu/casi.



[20]Ashley J.Tellis,C.Christine Fair,Jamison Jo Medby,Limited Conflict Under the Nuclear Umbrella,Rand,2001.pp.ix-xii.

[21]Kanti Bajpai,“India‐U.S.Foreign Policy Concerns:Cooperation and Conflict”,in Gary K.Bertsch,Seema Gahlau,and Anupam Srivastava,eds.,Engaging India:U.S.Strategic Relations with the World's Largest Democracy,New York:Routledge,1999,p.194.

[22]Sumit Ganguly,ed.,The Kashmir Question:Retrospect and Prospect,London:Frank Cass and Company Limited,2003,p.1.


[24]Devin T.Hagerty,“U.S.Policy and the Kashmir Dispute:Prospects for Resolution”,in Sumit Ganguly,ed.,The Kashmir Question:Retrospect and Prospect,London:Frank Cass and Company Limited,2003,p.94.

[25]Dennis Kux,Estranged Democracies:India and the United States,1941—1991,New Delhi:Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd,1993,p.67.

[26]Dennis Kun,The United States and Pakistan 1947—2000:Disenchanted Allies,Washington,D.C.:Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Baltimore:Hopkins University Press,2000,p.24.

[27]转引自Dennis Kux,Estranged Democracies:India and the United States,1941—1991,NewDelhi:Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd,1993,p.61.