
第40章 世界需要联合国(3)

W het her t he scope of your Model United Nations permits you to focus on themedia and civil society,I want to make comments on both,as relations with them are critical to the success of any country"s delegation.Your interaction with the media should be in a manner that would reflect your country"s point of view accurately,and in the best possible light.It is also expedient for you to go outside the official ranks of delegations and make common cause with the organizations of civil society.It is these non-governmental and other organizations that have the experience,the contacts and the energy to earn public support for an idea,and give it life beyond the conference room.

Above all,as you negotiate and take decisions,you must ask yourself whether your decisions can be effectively implemented,to meet your goals and objectives.If they cannot,your work may well have been an exercise in futility.

There are a few final thoughts I would like to leave with you.The first concerns the "fundamental democracy"of the United Nations General Assembly,and what it takes to be a truly effective delegation.It is often not the powerful countries that marshal the most interesting and innovative ideas through the United Nations.It was Costa Rica that was responsible for driving the idea of a High Commissioner for Human Rights through the General Assembly.The concept of the Law of the Sea and the possibility of mining the deep seabed for the benefit of all mankind was driven by thesmall island state of Malta.And Trinidad and Tobago,supported by the countries of the Caribbean Community,was the drivingforce behind the most recent initiative that led to the establishment of an International Cr imina l Cou r t.I n shor t ,a good new idea,persuasively presented and patiently negotiated,can become part of the world"s agenda even if it comes from a very small State.

The second thought I wish to leave with you concerns the General Assembly,the only representative organ of the United Nations.As such,agreement would ultimately have to be forged within the General Assembly on much of the issues on the international agenda.For it is the Assembly alone that contains the world as it is,that reflects both the world"s problems and possibilities.Importantly,it is in the Assembly that reform of the United Nations,whether General Assembly or Security Council,would be negotiated and endorsed.

Yes,questions concerning the "relevance"of the United Nations have focused on the General Assembly,at a time when great powers are asserting their right to act unilaterally,and to deal with the United Nations through more limited membership bodies.But I must tell you that,in the months that I have been privileged to serve as President,I have been constantly impressed by the General Assembly and its Member States-their determination to find ways through obstacles;their willingness to negotiate;their readiness to examine new ideas,and above all by their conviction that this uniquely universal organization,the United Nations,must be enabled to survive and to do the great work for which it was designed.

I hope that your deliberations will bring each of you new insights into the work of the United Nations,and importantly on where the organization stands in this period of challenge and change.Whether your future takes you into academia,the professions,business or government,I believe that the skills you acquire in this Model United Nations will serve you well.Above all,I hope that your participation persuades you to remain involved with the United Nations and the global issues it addresses.The world needs the United Nations.And the United Nations needs you.

I thank you.





