书城公版The Miserable World

第91章 PART ONE(90)

He closed the false cupboard again,and with redoubled precautions,henceforth unnecessary,since it was now empty,he concealed the door behind a heavy piece of furniture,which he pushed in front of it.

After the lapse of a few seconds,the room and the opposite wall were lighted up with a fierce,red,tremulous glow.

Everything was on fire;the thorn cudgel snapped and threw out sparks to the middle of the chamber.

As the knapsack was consumed,together with the hideous rags which it contained,it revealed something which sparkled in the ashes.By bending over,one could have readily recognized a coin,——no doubt the forty-sou piece stolen from the little Savoyard.

He did not look at the fire,but paced back and forth with the same step.

All at once his eye fell on the two silver candlesticks,which shone vaguely on the chimney-piece,through the glow.

'Hold!'he thought;'the whole of Jean Valjean is still in them.They must be destroyed also.'

He seized the two candlesticks.

There was still fire enough to allow of their being put out of shape,and converted into a sort of unrecognizable bar of metal.

He bent over the hearth and warmed himself for a moment.

He felt a sense of real comfort.

'How good warmth is!'said he.

He stirred the live coals with one of the candlesticks.

A minute more,and they were both in the fire.

At that moment it seemed to him that he heard a voice within him shouting:

'Jean Valjean!

Jean Valjean!'

His hair rose upright:

he became like a man who is listening to some terrible thing.

'Yes,that's it!finish!'said the voice.

'Complete what you are about!

Destroy these candlesticks!

Annihilate this souvenir!Forget the Bishop!

Forget everything!

Destroy this Champmathieu,do!That is right!

Applaud yourself!

So it is settled,resolved,fixed,agreed:

here is an old man who does not know what is wanted of him,who has,perhaps,done nothing,an innocent man,whose whole misfortune lies in your name,upon whom your name weighs like a crime,who is about to be taken for you,who will be condemned,who will finish his days in abjectness and horror.

That is good!Be an honest man yourself;remain Monsieur le Maire;remain honorable and honored;enrich the town;nourish the indigent;rear the orphan;live happy,virtuous,and admired;and,during this time,while you are here in the midst of joy and light,there will be a man who will wear your red blouse,who will bear your name in ignominy,and who will drag your chain in the galleys.

Yes,it is well arranged thus.


The perspiration streamed from his brow.

He fixed a haggard eye on the candlesticks.

But that within him which had spoken had not finished.

The voice continued:——

'Jean Valjean,there will be around you many voices,which will make a great noise,which will talk very loud,and which will bless you,and only one which no one will hear,and which will curse you in the dark.

Well!listen,infamous man!

All those benedictions will fall back before they reach heaven,and only the malediction will ascend to God.'

This voice,feeble at first,and which had proceeded from the most obscure depths of his conscience,had gradually become startling and formidable,and he now heard it in his very ear.

It seemed to him that it had detached itself from him,and that it was now speaking outside of him.

He thought that he heard the last words so distinctly,that he glanced around the room in a sort of terror.

'Is there any one here?'he demanded aloud,in utter bewilderment.

Then he resumed,with a laugh which resembled that of an idiot:——

'How stupid I am!

There can be no one!'

There was some one;but the person who was there was of those whom the human eye cannot see.

He placed the candlesticks on the chimney-piece.

Then he resumed his monotonous and lugubrious tramp,which troubled the dreams of the sleeping man beneath him,and awoke him with a start.

This tramping to and fro soothed and at the same time intoxicated him.It sometimes seems,on supreme occasions,as though people moved about for the purpose of asking advice of everything that they may encounter by change of place.

After the lapse of a few minutes he no longer knew his position.

He now recoiled in equal terror before both the resolutions at which he had arrived in turn.

The two ideas which counselled him appeared to him equally fatal.

What a fatality!

What conjunction that that Champmathieu should have been taken for him;to be overwhelmed by precisely the means which Providence seemed to have employed,at first,to strengthen his position!

There was a moment when he reflected on the future.

Denounce himself,great God!

Deliver himself up!

With immense despair he faced all that he should be obliged to leave,all that he should be obliged to take up once more.

He should have to bid farewell to that existence which was so good,so pure,so radiant,to the respect of all,to honor,to liberty.

He should never more stroll in the fields;he should never more hear the birds sing in the month of May;he should never more bestow alms on the little children;he should never more experience the sweetness of having glances of gratitude and love fixed upon him;he should quit that house which he had built,that little chamber!

Everything seemed charming to him at that moment.

Never again should he read those books;never more should he write on that little table of white wood;his old portress,the only servant whom he kept,would never more bring him his coffee in the morning.

Great God!instead of that,the convict gang,the iron necklet,the red waistcoat,the chain on his ankle,fatigue,the cell,the camp bed all those horrors which he knew so well!