
第1章 措辞(The Diction)(1)


词汇是写作的基本要素,是书面语言的最基本单位。学会选择、使用词(diction)是学习写作的一个重要环节。词汇的选择和使用关乎写作的成败、文章质量的优劣。在The Right Word at the Right Time的序言中,编者对词语的选择使用的重要性作一个很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion : it is a courtesy to others, and a favor to yourselfa matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world.”可见,说话或写文章用词适当犹如衣着得体,才能恰到好处。因此,在写作过程中,词汇的选择应遵循“准确、得体、简明、生动”的基本原则。


词的准确性,就是要根据使用场合选用确切的语言形式,恰如其分地表达意义。正如英语谚语所言:Do not write so that your words may be understood, but write so that your words must be understood. 对于中国学生来说,准确用词有四重含义:一是书写正确,即拼法和大小写等无误;二是词义正确,即所用的词确实能表达自己的意思;三是用法正确,包括词的语法搭配关系(比如动词类型)和意义搭配关系等;四是词汇的语言色彩和词汇的层次。四重含义具有一定的层次性,对于具有一定语言能力的学生的来说,应作为检验、判断自己作文水平的标准。但从学生的习作情况来看,四种用词问题都不同程度存在,尤其后两方面的使用不地道之处还是比较多的。



e.g.(1) If John needs a pencil, he can use one of me.(词类误用,属语法错误,me 应改为mine。)

(2) The situation is not to be optimistic with.(语法不当,并受汉语习惯影响,应改You have no reason to be optimistic about the situation。)

(3) To read each other"s composition is a good way to avoid this defect.(意义搭配不当,应改correct this defect。)

(4) Welcome you to China.(汉语影响,表达不当,应改(You are) welcome to China。)



e.g. (1) May I have something cheaper?(cheaper有价格便宜,但它隐含质量低劣,应改为inexpensive。)

(2) I don"t trust him; he likes boasting about his imaginary success.(boast常指自命得意,但一般有根据吹大,往往令人信服,应改为brag ,因brag带有庸俗、无聊的意思,指不知天高地厚、自命不凡或随意乱编意思,这样句子才能前后一致。)



e.g. (1) The function of the section is the collection of information and the compilation of files.(名词词组过多,应改This section collects information and compiles files。)

(2) He hurried to go across the road in front of a bus.(介词短语与动词连用构成tautology, 应改He crossed the road in front of a bus in a hurry。)



e.g. (1) I bet yuh got a punch in eider fist dat" knock"em all silly!(句中“yuh、eider和dat”分别是“you,either和that”的非标准形式,只能适用于非正式场合,多见于文学作品中,用来描写那些没有接受过教育的下层劳动人民。这里作者主要想通过词汇的使用,来反映他的身份和所处的社会地位。)

(2) Unlike most underground petitions circulated in the Soviet Union recently, which deal with religious and intellectual freedom, the new document widely read in a number of enterprises by workers, young and old, is a faxranging attack on Soviet failings in economic policy.(句中的petitions与document 两词的使用,较好地适合文体的要求,达到了文章“求雅”的效果。)


词汇的生动性是指运用得体的、准确的词汇,以便给读者留下鲜明深刻的印象。它是建立在准确性和简明性的基础上。一般学生尽管在写作中难以做到,却可以在有限的范围内关注词汇的语义内涵和色彩,从而一定程度上避免用词上的重复和单一。如英语中美丽、漂亮常用词有:beautiful, pretty, graceful, nice, attractive, handsome, graceful, elegant, slim等,如能依据不同情形、侧重点选用不同的词,就能较好传达意思,再比如“胜过、超过”,在英语中除了一般用词surpass,exceed, go beyond外,还有outdo, outgo, outpace, outreach等一系列近义词。如能依据具体的语境选择恰当的词汇,文章的语言表达就生动得多,含义也丰富。

e.g. (1) It is considered respected for one to receive a business card with both hands. (respected是令人尊敬的行为,用得不得体,应改polite。)

(2) He had hardly achieved this vey uneasy gymnastic performance when Mr.Bumble brought him, with his own hands, a basin of gruel and the holiday allowance of two ounces and a quarter of bread.--(He had hardly overcome the difficulty in putting on the clean shirt when his mother opened the door and stepped into his bedroom.)以上两句画线部分都表述“刚刚艰难地穿上一件干净的shirt”。但前句摘自狄更斯的《雾都孤儿》,是典型的文学语言,括号里的句子为普通表达方法。由于文本不同,其语言效果也迥然不同。在语言大师笔下,“艰难地穿上一件衣服”变成了“完成一套艰难的体操动作”,描写生动,给读者留下巨大的想象空间;相比较而言,后句描写简明,但毫无生动可言,这就是不同文体所产生的差异。






e.g. (1) I found an information about the enrollment in the newspaper yesterday.(information是不可数名词,应改a piece of information。)

(2) From these example, though some were direct, others were not, it could see the devil idea in Alec"s mind.(复数名词未用复数,且存在语句与逻辑错误,应From these direct or in direct examples, we could see the evil idea in Alec"s mind。)

(3) I like to analyse which factor lead to Tess"s tragedy.(factor未用复数,应改 factors。)

(4) When he went by the dog pound, they rushed to the fence and barked at him.(they指代不清,应改the dogs。)

(5) Last month, I have visited Chengdu and is greatly impressed by the rapid development I see.(谓语动词时态用错,应改I visited...was...I saw。)

(6) Tess can devote all of her love only one man, at last, she has no regret when she died.(动词搭配、时态错误,应改could devote all her love to only one man;...had...)

(7) Unfortunately, Jane was sent to Lowood Orphange where the situation was much worse than Reed"s family.(比较对象错误,应改than in Reed"s family。)

(8) He sent her several little red beautiful roses on Lover"s Day.(形容词多级修饰系列错误,应改beautiful little red。)


