
第18章 篇章的写作(The Whole Composition)(3)

Ending: What can you do to prevent your emotions from making you sick? “Learn to take care of your mind as well as your body,” advises Dr.Dudley “Recognizing that emotions trigger physiological reactionsand vice versais half the battle.”The other half is knowing that the foundations of good health lie in love, laughter and faith in oneself. (结尾不仅巧妙地运用了一个出现于首段的观点,言及了the other half...,对其进行拓展“The other half is knowing that the foundations of good health lie in love, laughter and faith in oneself”,这就不是单纯地追求形式上的首位呼应,而是使其观点在呼应中更趋全面缜密。)

8.自然式结尾(natural ending)






第一步,确定文章的体裁,也就是说,要弄清楚这个题目是写成记叙文,还是写成说明文,或是议论文,甚至应用文。一般来说,就像中文的题目一样,带有“记”、“事”、“人”或“讲述”等字眼的题目,一般都可以写成记叙文,如My Parents, An Outing, A Most Unforgettable Thing, John"s Story,My College Life等,因这些题目,在写作的过程中必将涉及时间、地点、人物、事件及事件的起因、经过、结果等要素,自然就应该按记叙文的要求进行写作。作文题目中带有“小议”、“浅析”、“论”、“说”、“评”、“驳”、“探讨”等字眼时,当然应该写成议论文。然而,有时作文题目没有上述字眼,如Knowledge is Power(知识就是力量),Where There is a Will, There is a Way(有志者,事竟成)等诸如此类的题目,作者主要是为了说明某种主张或观点,且题目就确定为主题句,自然应该写成议论文。

作文题目中要说明或介绍某一事物的形状、性质、成因或功能时,一般应当写成说明文。如An Introduction to My College,How to Take Photographs, My family等。说明文体裁的文章一般都含有说明对象或说明内容;此外,说明文的题目一般都比较平直,不带感情色彩,客观性比较强。

第二步,确定好了体裁之后,可以开始构建自己文章的提纲,常用的提纲有三类:草写提纲、主题提纲和句子提纲。后两种提纲,大部分教材都有涉及。现重点讨论第一类,且此类提纲简单易懂,容易组织。在审题完后,开始构建自己的文章框架,把随时出现在头脑里面的各种想法草草记录下来,而这些记录大部分是由单个的词或短语构成的,所以叫草写提纲。此类提纲对于时间短、任务紧的情况,特别是考试非常实用。如话题The Value of Doing Part-jobs for College Students。

草写提纲:Earning money to better the quality of living and learning.

Sense of responsibility.

Opportunity to learn about different kinds of jobs.

Develop good work habits and maybe learn practical skills.




从描写目的来看,描写可以分客观描述(objective description)和主观描述(subjective description)。前者指的是对客观事物的如实描述,不带任何个人感情色彩。后者却不拘泥于客观事物本身,而是强调写作者本身对某种事物所持的一种感情、态度和看法。从描写对象来看,又可以分人物描写、物体描写、地点描写和情景描写。











She is neither pretty nor tender, but she is the person I love most in the world and will love forever. Although she doesn"t say “I love you” to me or comfortably embrace me when I get into trouble, but she is the one person in the world who loves me most and will love me forever. Yes, this individual is my mother, someone I love most, even though I have never acknowledged that love.

She is quiet but serious person of medium height, and has short black hair. She seldom speaks, but when she speaks to me, she always speaks fast with dark eyes, sparkling at me as if she knows everything about me. Ever since I was a little girl, one question kept puzzling me:how does she know what I want to say, what I want to do and what I have buried in heart? Looking straight into her eyes, I got the answer: because she loves me.






Perhaps the most unforgettable thing in the bazaar, apart from its general atmosphere, is the place where they make linseed oil. It is a vast, somber cavern of a room, some thirty feet high and sixty feet square, and so thick with the dust of centuries that the mud brick walls and vaulted roof are only dimly visible. In this cavern are three massive stone wheels, each with a huge pole through its centre as an axle. The pole is attached at the one end to an upright post, around which it can revolve, and at the other to a blindfolded camel, which walks constantly in a circle, providing the motive power to turn the stone wheel.

本段选自“The Middle Eastern Bazaar”,主要对中东集市中古老又让人印象深刻的亚麻油坊进行描写,增添了中东集市的古老印象,让读者更容易融入集市的氛围中,感受异地风情。






A Walk on the Seashore

Not very far from my house lies seashore in the south. We can go there on foot in about ten minutes. In summer evenings when the sun is setting, my father likes to take me with my sisters to have a walk along the seashore. Though we do not like the loneliness of th place, yet we are glad to enjoy the coolness of sea breeze and the beautiful scenery of the nature.

The beach is rather rough with many big and small stones on the surface. The sand is also very big in form and brown in color. At the time of low tide, we can see the reefs appearing out of the water. It is not fit for swimmers to come here to bathe, so it is quiet all over the year.

Moreover, when the tides are low, we may see also some poor boys of the near-by villages. They carry bamboo baskets on their backs or under their arms. Running on the solitary beach, they are trying to pick up the small crabs among the rocks. They take them home for food or they sell them for a little money.

On the sea, we can see the distant fishing boats sailing back to the harbor to anchor there at night. The setting sun looks like an immense yolk. The sky turns into orange red and the surface of the sea is glittering like a sheet of gold leaf. The waves beating at the rocks sound like music. Ater all, a walk on the seashore is always enjoyable.