
第6章 句子(The Sentence)(4)


(7) ... is play an important part in our life. But ... like other things, has both advantages and disadvantages. Does the former outweigh the latter?


(8) The rapid rise ... has brought about a number of problems for all countries on earth because.... Both rich and poor countries should take united actions to deal with .... Otherwise, there will be more people fighting for ... and the future will be poverty, misery and war to us all.


(9) Recently, the phenomenon of ... has drawn world-wide attention.


(10)The prosperity of a nation depends on the development of.... Any development in... through the world is due to the development of... which brings up .... It can"t be over emphasized just how important the role of ... is. There is no doubt that countries with... will remain poor.


(11) Here and there across the country, an increasing number of ....


(12)... is a widespread method ... but is it a wise one? Its value is now questioned by more and more people.


(13) ... as the product of modern civilization, has been playing a vital part in the daily activities of human society. We can now ... fast and laborsaving, ... have become so essential and indispensable to us that it is no exaggeration to say that our modern society is moving on wheels.


(14) In the recent five years, many nations have troubled with the serious problem of ....


(15) Now there is a growing awareness of the importance of ...



e.g. (1) From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that ....


(2) We need to take a fresh look at the problem a wider standpoint; otherwise, we won"t come anywhere near understanding....


(3) There evidence upon all sides supports an unmistakable conclusion that....


(4) It is essential that effective measures should be taken to end the situation....


(5) Therefore, a modern society without ... is unimaginable. ... helped us to develop at a fast speed before, and it will certainly help our society to go ahead in future. So we can say that... to our modern life is what ... to our body.

作业:用英语表述该句:因此,现代社会没有科技是不可想象的。 科技帮助我们经济高速发展,将来也必然会促进社会的发展进步。可以这样说,科技对现代社会,就如血液对于人体一样重要。

(6) Finally, I believe as peace and development will be an irresistible trend in ... all the people will live in a harmonious and peaceful world.


(7) To sum up, in my opinion , ... is like a double-edged sword. We should make the best use of one edge and try not to be hurt by the other.


(8) Many solutions are being offered here. All of them make some sense, but none is quite satisfactory. The problem should be studied in a new way.


(9) Following these methods may not guarantee the success. But the pay-off might be worth the effort. It will benefit....


(10) In any case, whether it is positive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly....

作业:用英语表述该句: 不管互联网带来的影响是好还是坏,有一点是肯定的:互联网改变了我们的生活方式。


To analyse the following sentences and try to improve them.

1.Riding bicycles had more advantages than taking a bus.

2.The eating habit of Chinese people have changed dramatically.

3.If the humans want to live well, we must keep nature in balance.

4.So long as you have the Internet access and some necessary rights, anyone can receive education wherever you live in.

5.With the development of science and technology, I believe that people"s life will be more and more happier.

6.In order to get a good mark, it took me much time, when I didn"t have classes this weekdays, to get ready for this exam.

7. There are many ways to improve city traffic, for example widening the streets, building subways and so on.

8.If someone wanted to go back to ancient society, which had no electricity, cloth and room, almost every people would say he was crazy.

9.When TV came into the world, the people"s life had large changes.

10. By contrast, other people don"t agree above point view. They like change jobs from time to times.

11.It made me can not forget my grand mother...

12. With the Chinese economy developing, cars entering families in China is more and more usualness.

13.No matter what choice you made, the final goal should be to do better work and further development.

14.In a word, if we have no TV, we may lose something which bring us happy.

15.They object to changing job frequently. Because frequent jobhopping will result to nothing can done.

16. But the science and technology also is a twoedgesword, if uses unsuitably will bring the suffering of destruction to people.

17.A chairman was having lunch, a solder stood by him.

18. There are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, we should not read them.