"For joy or grief, for hope or fear,For all hereafter, as for here,In peace or strife, in storm or shine."
Edith went about on tip-toe, and checked Sholto in all loud speakingthat next morning, as if any sudden noise would interrupt theconference that was taking place in the drawing-room. Two o"clockcame; and they still sate there with closed doors. Then there was aman"s footstep running down stairs; and Edith peeped out of thedrawing-room.
"Well, Henry?" said she, with a look of interrogation.
"Well!" said he, rather shortly.
"Come in to lunch!"
"No, thank you, I can"t. I"ve lost too much time here already."
"Then it"s not all settled," said Edith despondingly.
"No! not at all. It never will be settled, if the "it" is what I conjectureyou mean. That will never be, Edith, so give up thinking about it."
"But it would be so nice for us all," pleaded Edith. "I should always feelcomfortable about the children, if I had Margaret settled down near me.
As it is, I am always afraid of her going off to Cadiz."
"I will try, when I marry, to look out for a young lady who has aknowledge of the management of children. That is all I can do. MissHale would not have me. And I shall not ask her."
"Then, what have you been talking about?"
"A thousand things you would not understand: investments, and leases,and value of land."
"Oh, go away if that"s all. You and she will be unbearably stupid, ifyou"ve been talking all this time about such weary things."
"Very well. I"m coming again to-morrow, and bringing Mr. Thorntonwith me, to have some more talk with Miss Hale."
"Mr. Thornton! What has he to do with it?"
"He is Miss Hale"s tenant," said Mr. Lennox, turning away. "And hewishes to give up his lease."
"Oh! very well. I can"t understand details, so don"t give them me."
"The only detail I want you to understand is, to let us have the backdrawing-room undisturbed, as it was to-day. In general, the children andservants are so in and out, that I can never get any businesssatisfactorily explained; and the arrangements we have to make tomorroware of importance."
No one ever knew why Mr. Lennox did not keep to his appointment onthe following day. Mr. Thornton came true to his time; and, afterkeeping him waiting for nearly an hour, Margaret came in looking verywhite and anxious.
She began hurriedly:
"I am so sorry Mr. Lennox is not here,--he could have done it so muchbetter than I can. He is my adviser in this"---"
I am sorry that I came, if it troubles you. Shall I go to Mr. Lennox"schambers and try and find him?"
"No, thank you. I wanted to tell you, how grieved I was to find that I amto lose you as a tenant. But, Mr. Lennox says, things are sure tobrighten"---"
Mr. Lennox knows little about it," said Mr. Thornton quietly. "Happyand fortunate in all a man cares for, he does not understand what it is tofind oneself no longer young--yet thrown back to the starting-pointwhich requires the hopeful energy of youth--to feel one half of lifegone, and nothing done--nothing remaining of wasted opportunity, butthe bitter recollection that it has been. Miss Hale, I would rather nothear Mr. Lennox"s opinion of my affairs. Those who are happy andsuccessful themselves are too apt to make light of the misfortunes ofothers."