"We"ll see that," cried Hugh, interposing, as the indignation ofthe crowd again burst forth. "You fill a basket with the toolshe"ll want, while I bring him downstairs. Open the doors below,some of you. And light the great captain, others! Is there nobusiness afoot, my lads, that you can do nothing but stand andgrumble?"
They looked at one another, and quickly dispersing, swarmed overthe house, plundering and breaking, according to their custom, andcarrying off such articles of value as happened to please theirfancy. They had no great length of time for these proceedings, forthe basket of tools was soon prepared and slung over a man"sshoulders. The preparations being now completed, and everythingready for the attack, those who were pillaging and destroying inthe other rooms were called down to the workshop. They were aboutto issue forth, when the man who had been last upstairs, steppedforward, and asked if the young woman in the garret (who was makinga terrible noise, he said, and kept on screaming without the leastcessation) was to be released?
For his own part, Simon Tappertit would certainly have replied inthe negative, but the mass of his companions, mindful of the goodservice she had done in the matter of the gun, being of a differentopinion, he had nothing for it but to answer, Yes. The man,accordingly, went back again to the rescue, and presently returnedwith Miss Miggs, limp and doubled up, and very damp from muchweeping.
As the young lady had given no tokens of consciousness on their waydownstairs, the bearer reported her either dead or dying; and beingat some loss what to do with her, was looking round for aconvenient bench or heap of ashes on which to place her senselessform, when she suddenly came upon her feet by some mysteriousmeans, thrust back her hair, stared wildly at Mr Tappertit, cried,"My Simmuns"s life is not a wictim!" and dropped into his arms withsuch promptitude that he staggered and reeled some paces back,beneath his lovely burden.
"Oh bother!" said Mr Tappertit. "Here. Catch hold of her,somebody. Lock her up again; she never ought to have been let out."
"My Simmun!" cried Miss Miggs, in tears, and faintly. "My forever, ever blessed Simmun!"
"Hold up, will you," said Mr Tappertit, in a very unresponsivetone, "I"ll let you fall if you don"t. What are you sliding yourfeet off the ground for?"
"My angel Simmuns!" murmured Miggs--"he promised--"
"Promised! Well, and I"ll keep my promise," answered Simon,testily. "I mean to provide for you, don"t I? Stand up!"
"Where am I to go? What is to become of me after my actions ofthis night!" cried Miggs. "What resting-places now remains but inthe silent tombses!"
"I wish you was in the silent tombses, I do," cried Mr Tappertit,"and boxed up tight, in a good strong one. Here," he cried to oneof the bystanders, in whose ear he whispered for a moment: "Takeher off, will you. You understand where?"
The fellow nodded; and taking her in his arms, notwithstanding herbroken protestations, and her struggles (which latter species ofopposition, involving scratches, was much more difficult ofresistance), carried her away. They who were in the house pouredout into the street; the locksmith was taken to the head of thecrowd, and required to walk between his two conductors; the wholebody was put in rapid motion; and without any shouts or noise theybore down straight on Newgate, and halted in a dense mass beforethe prison-gate.