For a year after the Civil War broke out Louisiana was undisturbed.Only three other states experienced more loss and destruction.In 1862,however,New Orleans was captured.In 1863the longest siege(围城)in American military history took place at Port Hudson,the southernmost point of the Confederacy’s hold on the Mississippi.
After the war Louisiana was readmitted to the Union in 1868,but forced to accept a new constitution giving rights to African-Americans.“The Reconstruction Period”ended in 1877in Louisiana when President Rutherford B.Hayes withdrew United States Army units from the state after the longest occupation of any of the southern states.
Through much of its early history Louisiana was a trading and financial center,and the fertility of its land made it one of the richest regions in America as first indigo then sugar and cotton rose to prominence in world markets.Many Louisiana planters were among the wealthiest men in America.
The plantation economy(种植园经济)was shattered by the Civil War although the state continued to be a powerful agricultural region.The discovery of sulphur(硫磺)in 1869and oil in 1901,coupled with the rise of forestry sent the state on a new wave of economic growth.Eventually,Louisiana became a major American producer of oil and natural gas and a center of petroleum(石油)refining and petrochemicals manufacturing,which it remains to this day.
World War II(1939—1945)helped the economy by bringing new industries to Louisiana.Fuel,oil,and boats were required for the U.S.Navy.Shipbuilding,oil,and gas industries continued to grow during the 1950s.New factories were built and shipping increased greatly at the Port of New Orleans.
Racial problems escalated(逐步扩大)during the end of the 1950s and 1960s.The Louisiana State University became integrated in 1950.Segregation on buses in New Orleans ended in 1958.Soon afterward,all schools,restaurants,and state facilities were required to integrate.In 1977,Ernest N.Morial became the first black mayor of New Orleans.
Industry in Louisiana continued to grow until the mid-1980s.Oil prices fell,hurting both the oil and service industries.The aerospace industry(航空和航天工业)also slowed when the space shuttle Challenger exploded.Thousands lost their jobs and unemployment in the state reached a national high.
Gambling was legalized in 1992,and new casinos(娱乐场)have provided many Louisianans with jobs.The tourism industry has also increased.
The following is at the Present:
Agriculture:Louisiana is one of the nation’s largest producers of cotton,sugarcane([植]甘蔗),rice,sweet potatoes and pecans(美洲山核桃).The state is also a major producer of soybeans(大豆)and corn.The biggest land-based industry in the state is forestry,with an economic impact from paper-****** and wood producrs greater than all other crops combined.Poultry(家禽)is the largest livestock industry,followed by dairy and beef cattle.Louisiana is also the nation’s largest producer of alligator hides and crawfish.
Industry:In 1997,Louisiana’s 4,562manufacturing units employed 191,327workers whose annual earnings totaled 7,046,381,641.Average weekly wages in manufacturing increased by 44.69,or 6.6%,between 1996and second quarter 1998.Louisiana’s overall employment and number of employees reached record high levels in 1998.The rate of growth in total employment in Louisiana in 1998increased at twice the national rate of growth of total employment.
Tourism:As Louisiana’s second largest industry,tourism employed 110,000people and generated 7.8billion in revenue for 1998.The tourism industry took immense pride in the state’s historic places,unique arts and crafts,natural re-sources and rich heritage as part of its efforts to accommodate(容纳,留宿)the 25.5million visitors traveling to Louisiana last year.
Mineral Production:Principal mineral products are petroleum,natural gas,salt(largest salt mine is in Louisiana),sulphur,carbon black(黑烟末)and gravel(砂砾).Louisiana ranks second in the nation in oil production.
在2004年2月12日Kathleen Babineaux Blanco当选为路易斯安那州第一位女州长。在她杰出的职业生涯中,她为人民创造一个新的路易斯安那,并且带给所有公民希望和机遇。作为州长的她最先考虑的是:提供可担负得起而且可以达到的医疗保健、改善本州教育体系、创造强大而有活力的经济。
On January 12,2004,Kathleen Babineaux Blanco became the first woman to serve as governor of Louisiana.In her long,distinguished(卓著的,著名的,高贵的)career,Governor Blanco has served the people with a vision of creating a new Louisiana,filled with hope and opportunity for all citizens.
As Governor,her top priorities include:providing affordable,accessible healthcare,improving the state’s education system,and creating a strong and vibrant(有活力的)economy.
In her inaugural address,Governor Blanco outlined her priorities as governor:“We face important challenges in this new century:expanding our economy and creating quality jobs;building an effective health care system;improving our roads and highways;rebuilding our coastline;protecting our farmers;and ensuring that all our citizens,no matter their age,have superior educational opportunities.”
Governor Blanco believes that Louisiana’s challenges can only be met “if we have the courage and wisdom to pursue a new and different path.”That,she says,means striking “a hopeful chord(和音)—one that unites our people in lifting up all Louisiana families;one that cherishes(珍爱)our children,protects our environment,and creates new economic opportunity for all our citizens.”
Before serving in the state’s top office,Governor Blanco completed two terms as Lieutenant Governor.As the state’s second-highest official,she supervised the Department of Culture,Recreation and Tourism.Under her leadership,tourism in Louisiana increased by 41percent.This growth led to a 2.5billion increase in the tourism industry’s economic contribution to the state and the creation of 121,000new tourism-related jobs.
First elected lieutenant governor(副州长)in 1995,Governor Blanco was overwhelmingly re-elected to her second term in 1999,winning 80percent of the vote.