24.Louisiana’s first territorial governor,William C.C.Claiborne had great admiration for the awkward(笨拙的)bird that inhabited the Gulf Coast region.The pelican,rather than let its young starve,would tear at its own flesh to feed them.The Governor’s great respect for the Pelican led him to first use the Pelican symbol on official documents.
25.The Catahoula Leopard Dog,often called the Catahoula Hound,is the official state dog.
26.The City of Sulphur is the 13th largest city in Louisiana and is named for the chemical and mining industry that helped to establish Calcasieu Parish in the late 1800’s.
27.The Town of Walker became a municipality under the State’s Lawrason Act(136of 1898)on July 9,1909as a village.
28.Saint Joseph’s Cemetery(墓地),the only known United States cemetery facing north-south is in Rayne.
29.Incorporated in 1813under the Lawrason Act,Saint Francisville is the second oldest town in Louisiana.
30.The Union Cottonseed Oil Mill of West Monroe was in the planning stages as early as 1883.By 1887,it provided the area with many jobs for the laborers of the area.The Union Oil Mill is the oldest industry in Ouachita Parish.
31.French speaking Acadians in the mid-1700s settled the Lafayette Parish region of south Louisiana.The Acadians were joined by another group of settlers called Creoles,descendants of African,West Indian,and European pioneers.At the time of the migration,Louisiana was under Spanish rule and authorities welcomed the new settlers.
32.The city of Kaplan is referred to as “The Most Cajun place on earth”.
33.The town of Jean Lafitte was once a hideaway(隐避处)for pirates.
34.Winnsboro,the “Stars and Stripes Capital of Louisiana”,is one of the most patriotic cities in America.On Memorial Day,July 4th,Veteran’s Day,Labor Day,and other special occasions,approximately 350American flags fly proudly along highway 15.
35.The name“Bogalusa”is derived from the Indian named creek(小河)“Bogue Lusa”,which flows through the city.
36.Frances Parkinson Keyes,one of America’s best selling authors,lived in Crowley for more than ten years.
37.The golden spike,commemorating the completion of the east-west Vicksburg,Shreveport(什里夫波特[美国路易斯安那州西北部城市])and Pacific Railroad,was driven at Bossier City on July 12,1884,by Julia “Pansy”Rule.It was the first such spike driven by a woman.
38.Jim Bowie,the legendary(传说中的)adventurer and hero of the Battle of the Alamo,lived in Opelousas after moving there from Kentucky.Opelousas is the third oldest city in Louisiana.
39.The City of Ponchatoula is the oldest incorporated city in Tangipahoa Parish.Ponchatoula derives its name from the Choctaw Indian language meaning “hair to hang”because of the abundance of Spanish moss on the trees surrounding the area.
40.Le Musee de la Ville de Kaplan(The Kaplan Museum)is located in the center of downtown Kaplan.Le Musee at appropriate times has exhibits centered on the seasonal festivals.Mardi Gras,Easter,July 4,Bastille Day(巴士底日(7月14日,法国国庆日)),Thanksgiving Day and Christmas.
41.Rayne is known as the “The Frog Capital of the World”.
42.Notations on the original plats of survey for the area that is now Ville Platte stated that surveyors had to use pirogues(独木舟)and flat boats to properly do their work.
43.Because Covington is in a region referred to as the Ozone Belt,it has long been known for its clean air and water.
44.Gueydan is known as the “Duck Capital of America”in recognition of(承认……而)its abundance of waterfowl(水禽).
45.Mamou bills itself as “The Cajun Music Capital of the World”.Mamou musicians,in particular the musicians who have perform at Fred’s Lounge have been a major force in expanding the audience for Cajun music far beyond Southwest Louisiana.
46.The Harvey Canal Locks near Westwego connect the Mississippi River to the Harvey Canal.Back in the 1800s the locks served as ferries to transport railroad cars from one side of the canal to the other.Workers would then reunite the railroad cars on land.This service may have sparked the name of the town.According to one local folk tale,trainmen would shout “West We Go”as the railroad cars were reconnected and pulled out of the station.
47.Church Point boasts the designation“The Buggy Capital of the World”.A festival celebrates this designation annually on the first weekend in June.
48.The Creole House in French Settlement was built of cypress([植]柏科树的)wood.It is typical of the dwellings(住处)built in the late 1800’s because cypress was so plentiful in the surrounding swamps.
49.Fort Polk was established in 1941and named in honor of the Right Reverend Leonidas Polk,the first Episcopal Bishop(主教)of the Diocese(主教教区)of Louisiana.On March 12,1993,Fort Polk officially became the home of the Joint Readiness Training Center.
50.Pineville is home to a one of a kind museum called the Old Town Hall Museum.It is the only museum in the entire state of Louisiana dedicated to municipal government.
Other Information话里话外
博蒙特,(William Beaumont 1785—1853),外科医师,消化生理学家,首次利用人体胃瘦研究胃生理和病理学。1785年11月21日生于康涅狄格州黎巴嫩,1853年4月25日卒于密苏里州圣路易斯。出身于农民家庭,早年做乡村教师时曾攻读医书,1810—1812年随一当地医生做学徒,1812年取得佛蒙特州医学会行医执照。1812—1815年在美军任助理外科医生;1816—1820年在纽约开业行医;1820—1839年做军医,1839—1853年在密苏里圣路易斯行医。著有《胃液和消化生理的实验和观察》(1833)。
吉布斯,(Josiah Willard Gibbs 1839—1903),物理学家和化学家。1939年2月11日生于康涅狄格州纽黑文,1903年4月28日卒于同地。毕业于耶鲁大学,1863年获哲学博士学位后留校任教。1866—1869年去欧洲,先后在巴黎、柏林、海德堡等地选听当时数学、物理、化学界一些著名学者的讲课。1871年任耶鲁大学数学物理教授。1897年当选为英国皇家学会会员。吉布斯主要从事物理和化学的基础理论研究,对经典热力学规律进行了系统总结,从理论上全面解决了热力学体系的平衡问题;提出了描述物相变化和多相物系平衡条件的相律及吉布斯自由能及化学势,在热力学领域作出了划时代的贡献。著有《论多相物质的平衡》(1876—1878)和《统计力学的基本原理》(1902)等书。
爱迪生,(Thomas A1va Edison 1847—1931),发明家。生于俄亥俄州的米兰镇。幼年生活贫困,勤奋好学。一生发明1300余项,包括留声机、电报机、有声电影和电灯等。1883年发现热电子发射现象。1877年和同事们开始试制电灯。在选择了硼、钉、铬等各种金属作为灯丝并经过试验后,又选择了碳丝作灯丝。他把碳丝插在电池的两极间,碳丝虽发亮,但很快氧化烧断了。1879年4月爱迪生用白金丝做灯丝,制成一只25W电灯,但点燃不多时也烧毁了。为了寻找合适的灯丝,他先后试验了1600多种材料。后来总结出制造电灯的关键是避免灯丝氧化。为此设计了抽气机,使玻壳内达到高真空度,并将碳化棉丝装人玻壳内,成功地制成了第一只碳丝白炽灯。1879年10月21日,这只灯在通电后发出了光亮,并连续燃点了40个小时。