
第17章 象为什么有长鼻子?

An elephant uses its trunk like a hand.It breaks off branches from trees and shrubs with its trunk.It brings food to its mouth with its trunk.Elephants eat leaves,twigs,flowers,grass,and other plants.

An elephant drinks with its trunk.The trunk sucks up water from a stream or water hole.Then the elephant squirts the water into its mouth.

An elephant uses its trunk to take a shower.The elephant squirts water from its trunk over its thick,wrinkled skin.Sometimes an elephant wades into water over its head.Then the underwater elephant sticks its trunk above the water like a snorkel and breathes in air.

Elephants also use their trunks for smelling odors nearby and faraway.The trunk goes up and sniffs the air for faint smells.Then the elephant sticks its trunk in its mouth and “tastes”the faint odor.

Elephants have tiny eyes and cannot see very well.An elephant’s big ears,however,are great for hearing.An elephant can hear some sounds that are more than a mile away.Elephants “talk”to each other.They make low,rumbling sounds that can be heard faraway.They also make loud trumpeting sounds to warn or to greet elephants nearby.

Why Do Elephants Have Tusks?