
第36章 袋鼠的外形

There are more than 50kinds of kangaroo.Large kangaroos include red kangaroos,gray kangaroos,wallabies,pademelons,and quokkas.Smaller kangaroos include rat kangaroos,bettongs,and potoroos.The gray kangaroo and the red kangaroo are the largest kangaroos.They can stand as tall as 6.5feet (2meters)and weigh as much as 187pounds (85kilograms).The smallest kangaroos are the musky rat kangaroos.They have long tails like rats.Rat kangaroos are as small as 12inches (30centimeters),not including the tail.

Most kangaroo species have big ears and small heads.Kangaroos are covered with fur.Their fur is usually brown or gray.The male red kangaroo is reddish,but the female is grayish.Many kangaroos are a dull color to match their surroundings and help them hide from enemies.

Kangaroos have small front feet with five toes each.They have huge back feet with four toes.One of the toes on each hind foot has a sharp claw that the kangaroo uses to defend itself.

How Kangaroos Move?