
第6章 A Small Surprise

When his wife was expecting their third child,a father decided to tell his two sons,aged seven and nine,the facts of life。He checked out several books from the library on how parents should approach the subject。After stumbling through an explanation,he took a deep breath,and said,“Now,boys,do you have any questions?”

“Yes”the younger boy answered immediately。

“Go ahead”said the man,his heart in his throat。

“Can we”his son asked,“have new baseball gloves?”







例:You can’t expect me to approve of it。你别指望我赞成。

check out检查,核对,核实;办登记手续后取走

例:I’m just going to check this book out of the library。我正要从图书馆办手续借这本书。


例:He approached the question as a scientist。他以一个科学家的眼光去处理这个问题。


例:He stumbled over every sentence。他讲每句话都结结巴巴。

take a breath深深地吸一口气

例:Please take a breath deeply。请深呼吸。

the facts of life意为“(口,委婉语)性知识(例如讲给孩子们听的)”,西方人关注孩子的性教育要比中国人多。所以也不难理解他们把性教育作为一项生活方面的基本知识。

go ahead意为“请,尽管用、说、做”,如:――Can I use your phone?(我可以借用你的电话吗?)――Go ahead。I’m not using it。(请用吧。我现在不用。)再如:――Your motorcycle must be fun to ride。(你的摩托车骑起来一定很好玩。)――Go ahead and try it。You will like it。(去试试看啊。你一定会喜欢的。)