

Surely great words do not make a man holy and just;but a virtuous life maketh him dear to God.

If thou knewest the whole Bible by heart,and the sayings of all the philosophers,what would it profit thee without the love of God and without grace?

Vanity of vanities,all is vanity,except to love God,and Him only to serve.

This is the highest wisdom:by contempt of the world to tend toward the kingdom of Heaven.

It is,therefore,vanity to seek after perishing riches,and to trust in them.

It is also vanity to strive after honours,and to climb to high degree.

It is vanity to desire to live long,and not to care to live well.

It is vanity to mind only this present life,and not to make provision for those things which are to come.

It is vanity to love that which speedily passeth away,and not to hasten thither where everlasting joy awaiteth thee.