

In the Parliament of Man,the Federation of the world.

Can you read this and any longer doubt that Man can develop the power to "see" the future? There is unimagined power in T N T as it applies to the present and the future! What you create in mind,at any moment,becomes a reality from that instant on,unless you countermand it by a change in thought.Even then,the harm of wrong thinking goes out from you and joins with similar thoughts of others,existing in the "mental ether." Universal consciousness teems with the thoughts,good and bad,of the billions of human beings on this planet.The stupendous vibrations from these thoughts are having their effect on individual consciousness,as individuals tune in and out of different levels of this mass thinking.

Can we gain an understanding of each other's minds and emotions in time to build a better world? Can we adjust our grievances and our differences between friends and relatives and fellow men at home and abroad? Or will,as Tennyson suggests: "the nations' airy navies" have to "grapple in the central blue," sending down their rain of "ghastly dew"?

How long must man continue his wrong thinking which leads only to the eventual destruction of all he holds dear,before the war drum throbs no longer and the battle flags are furled and there is established "the Parliament of Man,the Federation of the world"?

This question will—be answered in a positive manner when enough individuals come to realize that T N T rocks the earth,either for man's good or ill,depending on how it is used!

Strength of mind must,one day,equal and surpass strength of arms!

Think what the direction of this TNT power in constructive channels by all human beings could mean to mankind—overnight! A1l problems would instantly be solved,inventions of benefit to humanity would liberate the entire human race from bondage of every kind,and true understanding and tolerance of others would come into existence! Then each would bend to his particular task in service to himself and others,for,as James Russell Lowell says:

No man is born into the world whose work

Is not born with him; there is always work

And tools to work withal,for those who will,

And blessed are the horny hands of toil...

Idle hands always finds trouble: no one is truly happy who has not worthwhile work to do.You must come to know what you want and how to get what you want to find contentment and success in life! But you must also give thought to the other man's right to free expression and attainment of his rightful desires.

You are not in this world alone; you are here to help others even as you will be helped.You are important to yourself,to your friends and loved ones,to your community,your nation.What you are doing in life is important.The work of every individual counts in the great scheme of things.No good effort is ever lost.

When you do the best you can each day,whatever your job or responsibility may be,you are improving yourself and the conditions around you.

Knowing that you possess this power within,and knowing how to draw upon it,you need not waste your time and energy worrying about national and international conditions that are beyond your influence.

Make your influence felt where you live ...and you will be doing your part and inspiring others to do theirs.

Remember: every thought,kept ever constant,leads to action,and results follow.

So keep this book always close at hand.Reread it,study it,and reread and study it as frequently as possible.

Practice,practice,practice—tap,tap,tap! Inspire others by your daily demonstration of right thinking! By so doing,you will be contributing your share towards ****** the world in which you live a better,safer,happier place.And what goes out from you that is good,goes out to the world at large,as well—and finds its affinity with right thinking people everywhere.

In the beginning,all things were good.Man,himself,made them bad.You do evil and evil will be done you.You do good and you will receive good in return.You can be what you wish and have everything you want,provided you are willing to pay the price in time,thought,effort and energy.You now have the key—may you make it work!

"That something," rightly used,is: