书城公版The Secret Sharer


`And what may he be doing there?' continued the Assistant Commissioner, who was perfectly informed on that point.Fitted with painful tightness into an old wooden armchair, before a worm-eaten oak table in an upstairs room of a four-roomed cottage with a roof of moss-grown tiles, Michaelis was writing night and day in a shaky, slanting hand that Autobiography of a Prisoner which was to be like a book of Revelation in the history of mankind.The conditions of confined space, seclusion, and solitude in a small four-roomed cottage were favourable to his inspiration.It was like being in prison, except that one was never disturbed for the odious purpose of taking exercise according to the tyrannical regulations of his old home in the penitentiary.He could not tell whether the sun still shone on the earth or not.The perspiration of the literary labour dropped from his brow.A delightful enthusiasm urged him on.It was the liberation of his inner life, the letting out of his soul into the wide world.And the zeal of his guileless vanity (first awakened by the offer of five hundred pounds from a publisher) seemed something predestined and holy.

`It would be, of course, most desirable to be informed exactly,' insisted the Assistant Commissioner, uncandidly.

Chief Inspector Heat, conscious of renewed irritation at this display of scrupulousness, said that the county police had been notified from the first of Michaelis's arrival, and that a full report could be obtained in a few hours.A wire to the superintendent--Thus he spoke, rather slowly, while his mind seemed already to be weighing the consequences.A slight knitting of the brow was the outward sign of this.But he was interrupted by a question.

`You've sent that wire already?'

`No sir,' he answered, as if surprised.

The Assistant Commissioner uncrossed his legs suddenly.The briskness of that movement contrasted with the casual way in which he threw out a suggestion.

`Would you think that Michaelis had anything to do with the preparation of that bomb, for instance?'

The Chief Inspector assumed a reflective manner.

`I wouldn't say so.There's no necessity to say anything at present.

He associates with men who are classed as dangerous.He was made a delegate of the Red Committee less than a year after his release on licence.A sort of compliment, I suppose.'

And the Chief Inspector laughed a little angrily, a little scornfully.

With a man of that sort scrupulousness was a misplaced and even an illegal sentiment.The celebrity bestowed upon Michaelis on his release two years ago by some emotional journalists in want of special copy had rankled ever since in his breast.It was perfectly legal to arrest that man on the barest suspicion.It was legal and expedient on the face of it.His two former chiefs would have seen the point, at once; whereas this one, without saying either yes or no, sat there, as if lost in a dream.Moreover, besides being legal and expedient, the arrest of Michaelis solved a little personal difficulty which worried Chief Inspector Heat somewhat.This difficulty had its bearing upon his reputation, upon his comfort, and even upon the efficient performance of his duties.For, if Michaelis no doubt knew something about this outrage, the Chief Inspector was fairly certain that he did not know too much.This was just as well.He knew much less - the Chief Inspector was positive - than certain other individuals he had in his mind, but whose arrest seemed to him inexpedient, besides being a more complicated matter, on account of the rules of the game.The rules of the game did not protect so much Michaelis, who was an ex-convict.It would be stupid not to take advantage of legal facilities, and the journalists who had written him up with emotional gush would be ready to write him down with emotional indignation.

This prospect, viewed with confidence, had the attraction of a personal triumph for Chief Inspector Heat.And deep down in his blameless bosom of an average married citizen, almost unconscious but potent nevertheless, the dislike of being compelled by events to meddle with the desperate ferocity of the Professor had its say.This dislike had been strengthened by the chance meeting in the lane.The encounter did not leave behind with Chief Inspector Heat that satisfactory sense of superiority the members of the police force get from the unofficial but intimate side of their intercourse with the criminal classes, by which the vanity of power is soothed, and the vulgar love of domination over our fellow creatures is flattered as worthily as it deserves.

The perfect anarchist was not recognized as a fellow creature by Chief Inspector Heat.He was impossible - a mad dog to be left alone.Not that the Chief Inspector was afraid of him; on the contrary, he meant to have him some day.But not yet: he meant to get hold of him in his own time, properly and effectively, according to the rules of the game.The present was not the right time for attempting that feat, not the right time for many reasons, personal and of public service.This being the strong feeling of Inspector Heat, it appeared to him just and proper that this affair should be shunted off its obscure and inconvenient track, leading goodness knows where, into a quiet (and lawful) siding called Michaelis.And he repeated, as if reconsidering the suggestion conscientiously:

`The bomb.No, I would not say that exactly.We may never find that out.But it's clear that he is connected with this in some way, which we can find out without much trouble.'

His countenance had that look of grave, overbearing indifference once well known and much dreaded by the better sort of thieves.Chief Inspector Heat, though what is called a man, was not a smiling animal.But his inward state was that of satisfaction at the passively receptive attitude of the Assistant Commissioner, who murmured gently:

`And you really think that the investigation should be made in that direction?'

`I do, sir.'