
第46章 索引(1)


Abhidharma 阿毗达摩

and middle way 与中道,219,221,223-226

and self 与自我,63,68,72

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,110,117-118,123

Abhidharmakosa 俱舍论,117,121

Absolute 绝对,definition of~的定义,224

Absolutism 绝对论,238

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,143-144

and middle way 与中道,225-226,230,235

Abstract attitudes 抽象态度,22,25-26,30,32

Abundance 丰裕,186-187,192

Action 行动,173,180,245.See also Embodied action 亦见具身行动

Adaptation 适应,183-184,193,213

Adaptationism 适应论,185-189,191-194

and ecology 与生态学,195,197-198

and natural drift 与自然漂移,201-202

Adaptive resonance theory(ART)适应共鸣理论,96-97

Affordances 给予性,203-204

Agencies 行动机构

and basic element analysis 与基本元素分析,118-119

and codependent arising 与缘起,116-117

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,106-107,109

AI.See Artificial intelligence 见人工智能

Akrasia 意志力软弱,114

Anger 愤怒,62,65,221

Anxiety 焦虑,48,61,130,234,238,249

Cartesian 笛卡尔式的(see Cartesian anxiety 见笛卡尔式焦虑)

Apperception 统觉,70,121

Arising 生起,220-221,226

Codependent 相依的,110-117,119-120,123

Aristotle 亚里士多德,63

Arousal 觉醒,62,66

Artificial intelligence(AI)人工智能

and circularity 与循环,4-6

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,38,43-44,50

and connectionism 与联结主义,92

and emergence 与涌现,103

and enaction 与生成,149-150,157

and evolution 与演化,207-209,211-213

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,105,109

Ashby 阿什比,Ross 罗斯,208



Attention 注意

and experience 与经验,24

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,96-97

and self 与自我,68,78-79

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,119,121-122

Attitudes 态度,43,62,80

Attractors 吸引子,88-90,148,175

Autonomy 自治,151,156-157,208,211,246

Awareness 觉知,6,237. See also Mindfulness/awareness ; Mindfulness/awareness

meditation 亦见正念/觉知;正念/觉知静心

auditory 听觉的,55

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,53-55,57

and ethics 与伦理,247

and experience 与经验,25-26

and middle way 与中道,231,234

and momentariness 与瞬间,78-79

and self 与自我,62,66,79

and self in aggregates 与蕴(积聚)中的自我,70,72

and selfless minds 无我的心智,119,126-127

tactile 触觉的,55


Backpropagation 反播,92,148


Becoming 有,114,121

Behavior 行为

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,139,141-142

and circularity 与循环,10-12

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,40-41,45,48-49

and emergence 与涌现,85,94,101,103

and enaction 与生成,164,174-175

and evolution 与演化,207,211

and self 与自我,67,72,80

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,105,109,121

Behaviorism 行为主义,40,45-47,176

Beliefs 信念

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,142-143

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义的假设,43,49

and experience 与经验,18,31

Berlin,Brent 伯林,布伦特,168-169

Bernstein,Richard 伯恩斯坦,理查德,140

Binswanger,Ludwig 宾斯旺格,路德维格,179

Biology 生物学,10,43,86,92,97

and cognition as embodied action 与作为具身行动的认知,172,177

and ecology 与生态学,195,197-198

and enaction 与生成,149,166,181,184

and evolution 与演化,188,193,201,212-213

Birth 生,114‐115


Bodhichitta 菩提心,249-250

Body 身体

and circulation 与循环,238

and enaction 与生成,149-150,178

and ethics 与伦理,250

and experience 与经验,24,25,30

and self 与自我,61‐66,79

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,113,115,124

Boredom 厌倦,62,120

Brain 脑

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,139

and circularity 与循环,10

and cognitivism 与认知主义,43

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,38-42,44

and computational mind 与计算心智,52

and connectionism 与联结主义,87,92

and enaction 与生成,156,161

and evolution 与演化,193,213

and human experience 与人类经验,49-50

and momentariness 与瞬间,72‐79

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,93-96,98

and selfless minds 与无自我的心智,105-106,129

and self‐organization 与自组织,85-86

Breathing 呼吸,24-26

Brentano,Franz 布伦塔诺,弗朗茨,15-16,47,68

Bricolage 修补匠,196

Brightness 光亮,158,166,168

Brooks,Rodney 布鲁克斯,罗德尼,208-212

Buddhism 佛教

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,143

and codependent arising 与缘起,110-111,115116

and cognition as embodied action 与作为具身行动的认知,180

and divided agents 与分开的行动者,124,129

and ethics 与伦理,248,250-254

and experience 与经验,21-24,26-27,31-33

and middle way 与中道,219-220,224,226-227,230,234

and momentariness 与瞬间,78-79

and neuronal emergences 与神经涌现,97

and nihilism 与虚无主义,239

and Nishitani 与西谷启治,242-243,245

and self 与自我,61,63,72

and selfless minds 与无自我的心智,107,119

works on 关于~的着作,259-260

Buddhist nondualism 佛教的非二元论,21



Cartesian anxiety 笛卡尔式焦虑,140-143,233,241

and representation 与表征,134-140

and sense of dissatisfaction 与不满感,133-134

and steps to middle way 与迈向中道,143-145

Cartesian dualism 笛卡尔式二元论,30

Cartesian ego 笛卡尔式自我,143

Categories 范畴,97,177-178,180-181

Category,color as 范畴,颜色作为,167-171

Causality 因果关系,111,114-115,117

Cellular automata 细胞自动机,89-91,151-152,155

Chain of causality 因果链,114-115

Churchland,Patricia 丘奇兰德,帕特丽夏,13

Churchland,Paul 丘奇兰德,保罗,13

Circular chain 循环链,111,115

Circularity 循环,10-14

and already‐given condition 与既定条件,3-4

and cognitive science 与认知科学,4-10

and cognitivist hypothesis 与认知主义假设,54

and experience 与经验,18

and middle way 与中道,217

Circulation,science in 循环,在~ 中的科学,237-239

Codependence 相依,237

and ethics 与伦理,246,248

and middle way 与中道,223-224,227-228

Codependent arising 缘起

and middle way 与中道,220-221

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,110-117,119120,123

Coevolution 共演化,201-202

Cogito 思,28

Cognition 认知

and adaptationism 与适应论,185,187-188

and Cartesian anxiety 与笛卡尔式焦虑,133-135,140,142,144-145

and circularity 与循环,4-5,8-10,14

color and 颜色与,169-171

definition of 对~的定义,42,99,206

embodied 具身的(see Embodied cognition 见具身认知)

and emergence 与涌现,100

and evolution 与演化,193-194

and experience 与经验,16,22

experientialist approach to 经验主义进路,178

origins of~的起源,3

principles of~的原则,100

and self 与自我,70,80

and selfless minds 与无我的心智,123

Cognition as embodied action 作为具身心动的心智,172-180

and evolution 与演化,188,205-206,213

and middle way 与中道,228

Cognitive processes 认知过程

and color perception 与颜色知觉,163,167-168,170,171

and connectionism 与联结主义,92

and emergence 与涌现,88,90,99,101,103

and evolution 与演化,196,200-201,205