Granted that he is a monster, yet I dare not say in these days that he is unique.Another man will not commit the murder, but will feel and think like him, and is as dishonourable in soul.In silence, alone with his conscience, he asks himself perhaps, 'What is honour, and isn't the condemnation of bloodshed a prejudice?'
"Perhaps people will cry out against me that I am morbid, hysterical, that it is a monstrous slander, that I am exaggerating.
Let them say so- and heavens! I should be the first to rejoice if it were so! Oh, don't believe me, think of me as morbid, but remember my words; if only a tenth, if only a twentieth part of what I say is true- even so it's awful! Look how our young people commit suicide, without asking themselves Hamlet's question what there is beyond, without a sign of such a question, as though all that relates to the soul and to what awaits us beyond the grave had long been erased in their minds and buried under the sands.Look at our vice, at our profligates.Fyodor Pavlovitch, the luckless victim in the present case, was almost an innocent babe compared with many of them.And yet we all knew him, 'he lived among us!'...
"Yes, one day perhaps the leading intellects of Russia and of Europe will study the psychology of Russian crime, for the subject is worth it.But this study will come later, at leisure, when all the tragic topsy-turvydom of to-day is farther behind us, so that it's possible to examine it with more insight and more impartiality than I can do.Now we are either horrified or pretend to be horrified, though we really gloat over the spectacle, and love strong and eccentric sensations which tickle our cynical, pampered idleness.
Or, like little children, we brush the dreadful ghosts away and hide our heads in the pillow so as to return to our sports and merriment as soon as they have vanished.But we must one day begin life in sober earnest, we must look at ourselves as a society; it's time we tried to grasp something of our social position, or at least to make a beginning in that direction.
"A great writer* of the last epoch, comparing Russia to a swift troika galloping to an unknown goal, exclaims, 'Oh, troika, birdlike troika, who invented thee!' and adds, in proud ecstasy, that all the peoples of the world stand aside respectfully to make way for the recklessly galloping troika to pass.That may be, they may stand aside, respectfully or no, but in my poor opinion the great writer ended his book in this way either in an excess of childish and ***** optimism, or simply in fear of the censorship of the day.For if the troika were drawn by his heroes, Sobakevitch, Nozdryov, Tchitchikov, it could reach no rational goal, whoever might be driving it.And those were the heroes of an older generation, ours are worse specimens still...."* Gogol.
At this point Ippolit Kirillovitch's speech was interrupted by applause.The liberal significance of this simile was appreciated.The applause was, it's true, of brief duration, so that the President did not think it necessary to caution the public, and only looked severely in the direction of the offenders.But Ippolit Kirillovitch was encouraged; he had never been applauded before! He had been all his life unable to get a hearing, and now he suddenly had an opportunity of securing the ear of all Russia.
"What, after all, is this Karamazov family, which has gained such an unenviable notoriety throughout Russia?" he continued.
"Perhaps I am exaggerating, but it seems to me that certain fundamental features of the educated class of to-day are reflected in this family picture- only, of course, in miniature, 'like the sun in a drop of water.' Think of that unhappy, vicious, unbridled old man, who has met with such a melancholy end, the head of a family!
Beginning life of noble birth, but in a poor dependent position, through an unexpected marriage he came into a small fortune.A petty knave, a toady and buffoon, of fairly good, though undeveloped, intelligence, he was, above all, a moneylender, who grew bolder with growing prosperity.His abject and servile characteristics disappeared, his, malicious and sarcastic cynicism was all that remained.On the spiritual side he was undeveloped, while his vitality was excessive.He saw nothing in life but sensual pleasure, and he brought his children up to be the same.He had no feelings for his duties as a father.He ridiculed those duties.He left his little children to the servants, and was glad to be rid of them, forgot about them completely.The old man's maxim was Apres moi le deluge.* He was an example of everything that is opposed to civic duty, of the most complete and malignant individualism.'The world may burn for aught I care, so long as I am all right,' and he was all right; he was content, he was eager to go on living in the same way for another twenty or thirty years.He swindled his own son and spent his money, his maternal inheritance, on trying to get his mistress from him.
No, I don't intend to leave the prisoner's defence altogether to my talented colleague from Petersburg.I will speak the truth myself, Ican well understand what resentment he had heaped up in his son's heart against him.
* After me, the deluge.
"But enough, enough of that unhappy old man; he has paid the penalty.Let us remember, however, that he was a father, and one of the typical fathers of to-day.Am I unjust, indeed, in saying that he is typical of many modern fathers? Alas! many of them only differ in not openly professing such cynicism, for they are better educated, more cultured, but their philosophy is essentially the same as his.Perhaps I am a pessimist, but you have agreed to forgive me.Let us agree beforehand, you need not believe me, but let me speak.Let me say what I have to say, and remember something of my words.
"Now for the children of this father, this head of a family.One of them is the prisoner before us, all the rest of my speech will deal with him.Of the other two I will speak only cursorily.