第36章 Chapter 4 (5)

He told us we were good men -- a ‘bloomin' condemned lot of good men.’ ‘ Who thanked us? Who took any notice of our wrongs? Didn't we lead a ‘dorg's loife for two poun'ten a month?’Did we think that miserable pay enough to compensate us for the risk to our lives and for the loss of our clothes? ‘We've lost hevery rag!’ he cried. He made us forget that he, at any rate, had lost nothing of his own. The younger men listened, thinking -- this 'ere Donkin's a long-headed chap, though no kind of man, anyhow. The Scandinavians were frightened at his audacities; Wamibo did not understand; and the older seamen thoughtfully nodded their heads ****** the thin gold earrings glitter in the fleshy lobes of hairy ears. Severe, sun-burnt faces were propped meditatively on tattooed forearms. Veined, brown fists held in their grip the dirty white clay of smoldering pipes. They listened, impenetrable, broad-backed, with bent shoulders, and in grim silence. He talked with ardour, despised and irrefutable. His picturesque and filthy loquacity flowed like a troubled stream from a poisoned source. His beady little eyes danced, glancing right and left, ever on the watch for the approach of an officer. Sometimes Mr. Baker going forward to take a look at the head sheets would roll with his uncouth gait through the sudden stillness of the men; or Mr. Creighton limped along, smooth-faced, youthful, and more stern than ever piercing our short silence with a keen glance of his clear eyes. Behind his back Donkin would begin again darting stealthy, sidelong looks. -- ‘'Ere's one of'em. Some of yer'as made 'im fast that day. Much thanks yer got for hit. Ain't 'ee a-drivin' yer wusse'n hever?....Let 'im slip hover-board....Vy not? It would 'ave been less trouble.

Vy not?’ He advanced confidentially, backed away with great effect;he whispered, he screamed, waved his miserable arms no thicker than Page 75pipe-stems -- stretched his lean neck -- spluttered -- squinted. In the pauses of his impassioned orations the wine sighed quietly aloft, the calm sea unheeded murmured in a warning whisper along the ship's side.

We abominated the creature and could not deny the luminous truth of his contentions. It was all so obvious. We were indubitably good men; our deserts were great and our pay small. Through our exertions we had saved the ship and the skipper would get the credit of it. What had he done? we wanted to know. Donkin asked: -- ‘What 'ee could do without hus?’and we could not answer. We were oppressed by the injustice of the world, surprised to perceive how long we had lived under its burden without realising our unfortunate state, annoyed by the uneasy suspicion of our undiscerning stupidity. Donkin assured us it was all our ‘good 'eartedness,’but we would not be consoled by such shallow sophistry. We were men enough to courageously admit to ourselves our intellectual shortcomings; though from that time we refrained from kicking him, tweaking his nose or from accidentally knocking him about, which last, after we had weathered the Cape, had been rather a popular amusement. Davies ceased to talk at him provokingly about black eyes and flattened noses. Charley, much subdued since the gale, sis not jeer at him. Knowles deferentially and with a crafty air propounded questions such as: -- ‘Could we all have the same grub as the mates? Could we all stop ashore till we got it? What would be the next thing to try for if we got that?’ He answered readily with contemptuous certitude; he strutted with assurance in clothes that were much too big for him as though he had tried to disguise himself. These were Jimmy's clothes most -- though he would accept anything from anybody;but nobody, except Jimmy, had anything to spare. His devotion to Jimmy was unbounded. He was for ever dodging in the little cabin, ministering to Jimmy's wants, humoring his whims, submitting to his exacting peevishness, often laughing with him. Nothing could keep him away from the pious work of visiting the sick, especially when there was some heavy hauling to be done on deck. Mr. Baker had on two occasions jerked him out of there by the scruff of the neck to our inexpressible scandal. Was a sick chap to be left without attendance? Were we to be ill-used for attending a shipmate?

-- ‘What?’ growled Mr.

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Baker, turning menacingly at the mutter, and the whole half-circle like one man stepped back a pace. ‘Set the topmast stunsail. Away aloft Donkin, overhaul the gear.’ ordered the mate inflexibly.

‘Fetch the sail along; bend the down-haul clear. Bear a hand.’Then, the sail set, he would go slowly aft and stand looking at the compass for a long time, careworn, pensive, and breathing hard as if stifled by the taint o unaccoutable ill-will that pervaded the ship. ‘What's up amongst them?’ he thought. ‘Can't make out this hanging back and growling. A good crowd, too, as they go nowadays.’On deck the men exchanged bitter words, suggested by a silly exasperation against something unjust and irremediable that would not be denied, and would whisper into their ears long after Donkin had ceased speaking. Our little world went on its curved and unswerving path carrying a discontented and aspiring population. They found comfort of a gloomy kind in an interminable and conscientious analysis of their unappreciated worth; and inspired by Donkin's hopeful doctrines they dreamed enthusiastically of the time when every lonely ship would travel over a serene sea, manned by a wealthy and well-fed crew of satisfied skippers.