第42章 Chapter 4 (11)

‘Come out at once -- or....’ -- ‘I am going.’said the cook, with a hasty and sombre resignation. He strode over the doorstep firmly -- hesitated -- made a few steps. They looked at him in silence. -- ‘I make you responsible!’ he cried desperately, turning half round. ‘That man is dying. I make you....’-- ‘You there yet?’ called the master in a threatening tone. -- ‘No, sir,’ he exclaimed hurriedly in a startled voice. The boatswain led him away by the arm; some one laughed; Jimmy lifted his head for a stealthy glance, and in one unexpected leap sprang out of his bunk; Mr. Baker made a clever catch and felt him very limp in his arms;the group at the door grunted with surprise. -- ‘He lies,’gasped Wait. ‘He talked about black devils -- he is a devil --a white devil -- I am all right.’ He stiffened himself, and Mr.

Baker, experimentally, let him go. He staggered a pace or two; Captain Allistoun watched him with a quiet and penetrating gaze; Belfast ran to his support. He did not appear to be aware of any one near him; he stood silent for a moment, battling single-handed with a legion of nameless terrors amidst the eager looks of excited men who watched him far off, utterly alone in the impenetrable solitude of his fear. Heavy breathings stirred the darkness. The sea gurgled through the scuppers as the ship heeled over to a short puff of wind.

‘Keep him away from me,’ said James Wait at last in his fine Page 88baritone voice, and leaning with all his weight on Belfast's neck. ‘I've been better this last week....I am well....I was going back to duty....

-- now if you like -- Captain.’ Belfast hitched his shoulders to keep him upright.

‘No,’ said the master, looking at him fixedly.

Under Jimmy's armpit Belfast's red face moved uneasily.

A row of eyes gleaming stared on the edge of light. They pushed one another with elbows, turned their heads, whispered. Wait let his chin fall on his breast and, with lowered eyelids, looked round in a suspicious manner.

‘Why not?’ cried a voice from the shadows, ‘the man's all right, sir.’‘I am all right,’ said Wait with eagerness.

‘Been sick....better....turn-to now.’ He sighed. --‘Howly Mother!’ exclaimed Belfast with a heave of the shoulders, ‘stand up, Jimmy.’ -- ‘Keep away from me then,’ said Wait, giving Belfast a petulant push, and reeling against the door-post. His cheek-bones glistened as though they had been varnished. He snatched off his night-cap, wiped his perspiring face with it, flung it on the deck. ‘I am coming out,’he said without stirring.

‘No. You don't,’ said the master curtly.

Bare feet shuffled, disapproving voices murmured all round; he went on as if he had not heard: -- ‘You have been skulking nearly all the passage and now you want to come out. You think you are near enough to the pay-table now. Smell the shore, hey?’‘I've been sick..... now -- better,’mumbled Wait glaring in the light. -- ‘You have been shamming sick,’ retorted Captain Allistoun with severity: ‘Why....’he hesitated for less than half a second. ‘Why, anybody can see that. There's nothing the matter with you, but you choose to lie-up to please yourself -- and now you shall lie-up to please me. Mr. baker, my orders are that this man is not to be allowed on deck to the end of the passage.’There were exclamations of surprise, triumph, indignation.