
第12章 Shopping Are More Sustainable

Online services can benefit environment but products are more complex.

E-business can be good for the environment. But it risks being just as unsustainable as conventional①consumption.

The main environmental benefit could come from the transformation of solid products into services based on digital information, the study found. For example, going to the shop and buying a CD uses materials and energy equivalent to producing six aluminium②cans, but downloading a CD’s worth of music online uses less than three cans.

But if a computer user burns every tune they download onto a blank CD, or if they use broadband connections to download more music or stay online permanently③, they can consume more electric ity, fossil fuels, and mineralsand so on than someone who drives to the record shop.

Online products move the environmental burden from the producer to the consumer. There are no big gains for ordering products off the Internet. The small delivery trucks consume as much energy as going to the shops yourself would.

We need to change lifestyle and behavior—it is potential for improvement, but in the current system, you don’t see it.

The EU-funded project examined how information technology will change the way that business consumes energy and materials and produces waste.

Researchers in Germany, Italy and the UK worked with 11 business partners to calculate the environmental impact of products and services such as music, banking and handheld computers.

It’s exciting that sustainability④ is at the heart of the European Union’s policy development.

① conventional adj. 习惯的,惯例的

② aluminium n. [英]=aluminum[美]铝[U]

③ permanently adv. 永久地,长期不变地

④ sustainability n. 持续性,能维持性,永续性









