
第14章 Web Surfing

Surfing the Web at work is an increasingly common habit that could be even more addictive than coffee.

93 percent of all employees in the U.S. spend at least some of their time at work accessing the Web, and many of them are logging on for personal reasons.

They would rather give up their morning caffeine① hit than lose their Internet connection.

The average time spent accessing the Internet at work was 12.6 hours per week. But while employees estimated② that 3.4 hours of that time was due to non-work related surfing, IT managers put that figure at closer to six hours.

As the line between professional and personal usage of the Internet becomes more of a gray area, many employees have started to rely on it to complete their job duties as well as perform personal tasks during the work day.

The most popular Web sites accessed were news sites (81 percent), personal e-mail (61 percent), onlinebanking (58 percent), travel (56 percent) and shopping (52 percent).

More men than women admitted visiting non-work related Web sites at the office.

Men were 2.3 times more likely to visit sports sites and more than three times as likely to visit in vestment and stock purchasing sites. Almost a quarter of men also admitted visiting a porn site at work deliberately③.

As well as surfing the Internet, some workers said they listened to or watched streaming media and some other said they used instant messaging, although most of companies said IM usage wasn’t sanctioned④.

But while Internet use may be on the rise, it appears that companies have got wise to employees using their office hours to play computer games.

① caffeinen. 咖啡因,茶晶兴奋剂

② estimatev. 估计,估价,评估

③ deliberatelyadv. 故意地

④ sanctionv. 批准,同意,支持,鼓励,认可










