
第101章 University of Arkansas: To advance with truth as o



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The University of Arkansas (often shortened to U of A, UARK, or just UA) is a public, co-educational, land-grant, space-grant, research university. It is classified by the Carnegie Foundation as a research university with very high research activity, It is the flagship campus of the University of Arkansas System and is located in Fayetteville,

Arkansas. Founded as Arkansas Industrial University in 1871, its present name was adopted in 1899 and classes were first held on January 22, 1872. It is noted for its strong architecture, agriculture (particularly animal science and poultry science), business, communication disorders, creative writing, history, law,and Middle Eastern studies programs.The University of Arkansas strives to be known as a "nationally competitive, student-centered research university serving Arkansas and the world."

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System: The following degree-granting academic divisions are located on the Fayetteville campus: Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences, Fay Jones School of Architecture, J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Sam M. Walton College of Business, College of Education & Health Professions, College of Engineering, University of Arkansas Graduate School,School of Law.

Senior Walk: The University of Arkansas campus sweeps across hilltops on the western side of Fayetteville, Arkansas. The University"s oldest tradition is Senior Walk, which contains the names of graduates from each class of the university. Beginning at the front steps of Old Main and running along the sidewalks across campus, Senior Walk is adorned with more than 140,000 names of former students. This tradition is unique to American universities.


poultry [pultri] n. 家禽

disorder [dis:d] n. 混乱;骚乱

sweep [swi:p] vi. 扫;席卷


阿肯色大学创建于 1871 年,前身是阿肯色工业大学,是一所位于美国中南部的公立综合性研究型大学。阿肯色大学主校设于阿肯色州西北的小城费耶特维尔市,其他校区则分布于小岩城、派恩布拉夫与蒙蒂塞洛。

学校下设有建筑学院、法律学院、文理学院、农学院、食品与生命科学学院、商学院、教育与健康学院、工程学院和研究生院,涵盖了自然科学、工程科学、音乐、农学、生命科学、商科、建筑、法律、教育、艺术与人文等多个研究领域。其中,学校在建筑、农学、商科、历史、工业工程、中东研究等领域的研究在全美享有盛誉。美国前总统克林顿及现任国务卿希拉里在步入政坛前均执教于该校法学院。学生选修最多的学科有: 商科管理、工程、教育、大众传播、社会科学。

阿肯色大学建筑有着法兰西第二帝国建筑特色。该校有一条知名的毕业生廊道(Senior Walk),上面篆刻着14万毕业生的名字,贯穿整个校园。
