
第8章 自然小贴士(1)

A Tornado That Makes Red Rain

A tornado can do a lot of damage,The wind of a tornado rushes at great speed around a funnelshaped cloud.It travels in a path a few hundred feet wide and about twentyfive miles long.As the wind circles counterclockwise,the funnel spirals higher and higher.The force of the wind sucks up water,dirt,and objects,and carries them along with it.It may drop them again many miles away.Houses and huge trees have been drawn into tornado funnels.At sea,ships have been nearly sunk by tornadoes dropping water on them.

East of Australia,people talk about a “rain of blood”.This is caused by a tornado picking up red dust and mixing it with water to make red rain.There are even stories abut a rain of fish and frogs caused by a tornado sucking them up and then dropping them.




Licorice Good for

Both Man and Beast

Licorice can be used for other things besides candy.Some of the powers of the licorice plant have been known since ancient times.The Egyptians used it to cure sore throats,and an old Chinese story tells how licorice cured a dragon whose throat was sore from breathing fire.The armies of Alexander carried licorice root as medicine on all of their campaigns.

Modern medicine uses this old knowledge.Many of today’s cough sirups contain licorice.It is good for both man and beast,and veterinarians give it to horses,cattle,sheep,dogs and cats.

Licorice can put out fires,too.After the sweet juices have been taken out,the waste fiber of the root is used to make a fire—fighting foam.This foam smothers fire by keeping oxygen away from it.A licorice fire extinguisher is sold today.





Growing Plants

Know Right from Left

Plants seem to know which way is up and which way is down;furthermore,they seem to know right from left.If a cutting from a Lombardy poplar is kept alive,new shoots will grow from the end that grew uppermost in the tree.

There is no visible difference between the top and the bottom of the living stick,even under a microscope.Even so,the stick will not send out shoots from the end it views as bottom even if this end happens to be on top!

Scientists,studying this subject further split their cuttings lengthwise.To their surprise,they made another interesting discovery.A good many more buds grew on the righthand side of the split surface than on the left.They split the sticks again and found that the buds again grew on the right side.

The results of the entire study showed a 60-40preference for the right side,proving that growing plants are basically “righthanded”.






The Monsoon in India

Each year,in a neverending cycle of death and regeneration,the rains sweep across southern Asia.Between June and October strange sea winds surge over the land,drenching the earth with torrential downpours.This is the monsoon—a familiar word often taken to mean a violent windstorm,but in fact referring to a tumultuous season of recurring rains.

The monsoon is close to the very soul of the people it touches;it permeates the lives of the people and affects everything they do.India is especially dominated by it.For three months before the monsoon rains arrive,the heat is intense,unbearable:the earth itself is dead;farmers cannot work the stonehard fields;bare subsistence is difficult.With the rains,everything suddenly changes—India bursts into life again;fields that seemed hopelessly barren turn green and grow wildly.

The rich new season is one of beauty,but to the peasant it is a beauty shot through with possible disaster.Overflowing with the great rains,the Ganges River moves relentlessly to the sea,hiding beneath its shining but deceptive calm the horror of fields and homes overcome by flood.The horror of flood and cyclone rides always with the monsoon clouds when they come to redeem the land.The peasants have no recourse but resignation and the consolation of prayer.





Mirages That Have an Effect on History

Mirages are produced by refraction of light within a layer,or lens,of air.This layer of air,says meteorologist James H.Gordon,resists disruption,even in a fairly strong wind.