
第41章 军事(6)

Beyond the antiaircraft-gun emplacements and the early-warning radar systems,and shortly before you get to the high concrete walls topped with concertina wire that surround Iran‘s Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant,there’sa large sign announcing that the facility welcomes guests(.NBC)

raid [reid]袭击air raid 空袭Three Western aid workers held hostage in Iraq for nearly four months have been freed in a multinational military raid,British Foreign SecretaryJack Straw said(.CNN)

A US military air raid in western Iraq has caused many deaths,reportsfrom Iraq say(.BBC)

reduce [rI5dju:s]减少reduction [rI5dQkF[n]减少Compulsory HIV testing of people in developing countries with high levels of infection is essential to reduce the spread of AIDS,former U.S.President Bill Clinton has said(.CNN)

The U.S.military is likely to keep an expanded force of about 160,000troops in Iraq through the Dec.15election of a new government and then make a“fairly rapid”reduction to what has been the standard troop level of about 138,000,a senior Pentagon official said Thursday.(FOXNEWS)reiterate [rI:5It[reit]反复地说、重申、重做“We reiterated that a nuclear-armed North Korea will not be tolerated and reaffirmed that the issue should be resolved through peaceful anddiplomatic means,”Roh said through a translator(.AP)

resume [rI5zju:m]重新占领、取回、恢复

North Korea said Saturday it will abandon its yearlong boycott of nucleardisarmament talks and resume negotiations this month with the U.S.and four other nations,a breakthrough reached just as U.S.Secretary of StateCondoleezza Rice began a mission to end the impasse(.NBC)

retaliate [rI5tAlIeit]反击、报复、以牙还牙Youths threw gasoline bombs at police who retaliated with tear gas in the southern city of Toulouse,where Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy wasvisiting,LCI television said(.AP)

rifle [raifl]步枪Ahmed,12,was shot by Israeli soldiers Thursday while they were conducting a raid in the West Bank town of Jenin.The soldiers said the boywas carrying a toy rifle and they mistook him for a militant(.AP)

risk [rIsk]冒险

The risk of a bird flu pandemic looms like a“large shadow”over theglobal economy,the World Bank says(.BBC)

rocket [5rCkIt]火箭Israel and the Palestinians agreed Sunday to halt their latest round of rocket attacks and airstrikes,officials said,but the deal threatened to fallthrough when Israeli forces killed three Islamic Jihad militants in the WestBank(.NBC)

sanction [5sANkF[n]制裁The U.N.nuclear watchdog agency,the International Atomic Energy Agency,will review Iran‘s cooperation on the nuclear issue during a Nov.24meeting,and Washington is pressing for Tehran to be referred to the U.

N.Security Council,where it could face sanctions for violating the NuclearNonproliferation Treaty(.CBS)

security [sI5kU[rItI]安全Rumsfeld said coalition commanders will soon recommend future troop rotations based on the security situation and political environment in Iraq.In September the Pentagon announced that about 9,400active-duty soldiers scheduled to finish one-year tours in January will stay at least seven extradays,to avoid a transition to new units during the Iraqi election(.AP)

sergeant [5sB:dV[nt]军士;中士A U.S.Army staff sergeant was charged with murder in connection with last week’s shooting deaths of two Army officers at a base outsideBaghdad,the military said Thursday(.USA TODAY)

shell [Fel]炮弹shelling [5FelIN]炮轰The U.S.command had no information about the explosion,but Akram Haider,a street vendor,said it appeared that a mortar shell was fired from the east bank of the Tigris River and exploded on the western side near thesouthern edge of the green zone(.NBC)

Top Israeli and Palestinian security officials discussed restoring calm after a Palestinian girl was killed by gunfire and militants retaliated with mortar shelling of Jewish settlements,breaking an informal cease-fire thathad brought rare calm to an area torn by four years of bloodshed(.AP)

shipment [5FIpm[nt]装船、出货、装运

Also Monday,Mexican prosecutors announced a large upswing in heroinshipments entering Mexico from Venezuela,and suggested that corrupt Venezuelan airport workers may be letting the drugs through.The prosecutors denied the announcement was related to the diplomatic dispute.(FOX NEWS)

sink [sINk]下沉A ferry carrying up to 150people sank Thursday night off the coast of Bahrain,and a total of 44bodies have so far been recovered from the site,Interior Minister Sheik Rashid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa said(.CNN)

spy [spai]间谍

Russian agents arrest the head of a Russian rocket technology firm oncharges of spying for North Korea(.BBC)

strategy [5strAtIdVI]战略strategic [str[5tI:dVIk]战略的U.S.President George W.Bush will unveil a national strategy for bird flu on Tuesday,in a bid to reduce the chance that an outbreak among people could become widespread,White House Press Secretary Scott McClellansaid(.CNN)

The Pentagon‘s primary motivation is strategic rather than strictly financial.The altitudes best-suited for the helium-filled Ascender are virgin territory for the military.It could takea payload higher than any spy plane,above the weather and well beyond the reach of virtually any attack fromthe ground or the air(.NBC)

submarine [5sQbm[rI:n]潜水艇

Canadian media reported last month that a U.S.nuclear submarinetraveled secretly through Canadian Arctic waters in November on its way tothe North Pole(.NBC)

surrender [s[5rend[]投降、交出

Iran surrenders documents it says it received from Pakistani scientist AQKhan on nuclear bomb technology(.BBC)