






1.“Mamma,”said a little girl,“do you know what my fingers want?”“What do they want?”asked her mother.

2.“My forefinger,my little finger,and my two middles all want a mitten to their own selves;they don’t want to be huddled up in one big mitten.”

3.Mother looked up,as much as to say,“What does that mean?”“I mean,”continued Mary,“that I do so want a pair of gloves,mamma.Am I not old enough?I shall be six in two months.”

4.“Would you take good care of them?‘asked mamma.“I neverlost my mittens,neither one nor two of them,”said Mary.

5.This was true.Mary was fast forming the good habit of taking care of her things,and her mother thought if it would make her little one so happy to own a pair of gloves,she would get them.

6.The next time she went shopping,she took Mary and fitted a nice pair on her fat hands.“Take the best care of them,”said her mother.

7.“Of course I shall,”answered Mary,with a very womanly air;“I shall keep them forever.”Mary did not know how longforever was,or I dare say she would not have made such a rashpromise.

8.“Mary will lose her gloves before the week is out,”said her brother George,who could never keep his.“You see,”cried Mary,proudly,“you see,sir.”“I will see,”said George.Mary hoped he would;she felt so very sure.

9.Not many days after,Mary’s teacher came for her to walk,and she went,gloves and all.They were gone almost all the afternoon,paying visits to some of the other scholars,and visiting a hall that the folks were trimming with evergreen for a fair.

10.Mary picked a bunch of evergreen,and lest she might soil her new gloves,she took them off,and put them in her pocket.On her way home,she looked to see if they were safe.

11.Out came her handkerchief,and out came one glove;but out came not its mate.“Where‘s my other glove?”cried Mary,stopping in the street,and emptying her pockets.

12.The missing glove was not there.Mary ran back,looking on the sidewalk.No glove was to be seen;and as it was getting late,she knew she must go directly home.

13.“But what shall I say?”said Mary to herself,nearly ready to cry.“Oh,I can’t tell mother,”Did she shrink from being found fault with?Did she think George would laugh at her?

14.Little Fears now joined the child.There are three families of Fears.Foolish Fears,that is one family;Wicked Fears,that is another;and Wise Fears,and this is the third family.The little Fears are always about among the children,mixing in their play,joining them at school,and often staying with them at home.

15.Now which of the little Fears do you think joined Mary?I am almost sorry to tell you.It was Wicked Fear.And what do you suppose Wicked Fear said to her?

16.It said,“Don‘t tell your mother you lost your glove.She won’t like it;she will blame you,and George will laugh at you.You won‘t get another pair very soon.Don’t say any thing about it.When your mother finds it out,and asks you,make believe you didn‘t know it was lost.”

17.Wicked Fear is almost always a lying Fear.Oh,how many poor children have been made miserable by the lies of Fear.Have you ever been?

18.Did Mary mind Wicked Fear?Did she put herself in his power?“No,I will do no such thing,”said the little girl to Wicked Fear.“I will never lie or make believe to my mother.I’ll tell the truth.I‘ll tell her that I have lost my glove.If she blames me,it’s no more than I deserve,I dare say.”

19.At this brave,good speech,Wicked Fear ran away,as he always does when a child meets him with Truth.Truth always has a little Wise Fear with her.They go hand in hand,and Wise Fear now seemed to say to Mary,“Right,right,little girl.”

20.So,with Truth and Wise Fear,Mary went home and told her mother all that had happened.“Mamma,”said the child,“I feel sorry.I am afraid I was too sure,to be as careful as I ought to have been.I did not think.I will not ask you for another pair till I learn to be more careful.”

21.Mary was so humble,that George begged his mother to try her with another pair.Did she?Mary had the present of a new pair on her sixth birthday.




















