



1.The cold wind was blowing and the big drops of rain were falling fast.

2.“My children,”said mamma,“you need not go to school this morning;but if you wish,you may have a room all to yourselves,and play school at home,”

3.“O,thank you,mamma,”said Arthur and Herbert and Irving,all at once;“that will be so nice,”“And after the school is fairly begun,won’t you come and see us?”said little Herbert.And he went up to mamma and kissed her.

4.“Do you want me to come,Berty?”said mamma.They always called little Herbert Berty.

5.“O,yes,”said Berty,“we always like to have visitors.Our teacher says it does the scholars good to have visitors,”

6.“Well,I will come and see you by-and-by.Who shall bethe teacher?”said mamma.

7.“I want Arthur to teach me,”said little Irving.“Sometimes he teaches me at the big school,and the teacher says he is a good little teacher.I want Arthur to teach me,”he said again.

8.“I‘m agreed,”said Herbert;“for Arthur is the oldest andknows the most.So Arthur is elected teacher.”

9.“Now,”said Axthur,“as I am to be the teacher and you the scholars,I must have a big seat up at a desk,and you must have little seats on the floor.

10.”This table will make a good desk,if we move it outfrom the wall a little way,and raise the back leaf.

11.“The chair shall sit behind the table.There!my desk isready.

12.”Now,Irving,you may get the little bell and put it on the desk.I shall want the bell to call the school to order,and to let you know when to recite.What shall we get for you to sit on?Oh!I know now-if mamma will let us have them:two little stools in the parlor.“13.”I will ask her,“said Berty;and away he ran.“Yes,we can have them,and here they are.How soft they are!”

14.“Now,”said Arthur,“it is time for school to begin.You may get your little books and slates,and put them on my desk.When I tap the bell you must take your seats and sit up straight.”And Arthur went to the desk and gave the bell a tap.

15.“Now,boys,the first thing in order is a story which I willread to you.

16.”When I have read it,I want you to tell me what youthink of it;and then I will see how much of it you can tell me.“17.And Arthur-I mean the teacher-read a story.When he had finished reading it,he said to Herbert,“Did you ever hear this story before?”

18.“No,sir,”Berty says “sir”to his teacher.

19.“And did you ever hear it before,Irving?”

20.“No,I never did,“said Irving.

21.”What do you think of it?“

22.”Think of it?I don’t think of it.I don‘t know how to think of it,but I like it,“said Irving.

23.”So do I.It is a very good one.I like it first rate,“saidBerty.

24.”That is what I meant:and I should have said,’How do you like the story?‘I am glad you like it.Now,Berty,let me hear what you can tell about it.“25.”I can tell a cow and milk;and Ann,-she milked thecow.“26.”And the cow was white,and Ann got almost a pailful of milk from her,“said Irving;“and I like to drink milk,too.”

27.“But you could not drink a whole pailful,could you?”

28.“O no,I could not drink so much as that,”And helaughed right out.

29.“And what would you do with so much milk,then?”

30.“I would do just as Ann did.I would make butter;andthen I could eat the butter with bread.I like bread and butter.

Don’t you,Herbert?And I like bread and milk for supper.”

31.“And I would like some for dinner,”said Herbert.

32.Just then mamma opened the door softly,and came in to see the school.

33.“O,mamma!May I have some bread and milk for dinner?”said Irving.

34.Irving is a small boy,and has not learned that he must not speak out in school.So the teacher said,“Irving,you are in school now,and must not talk so to visitors.”

35.“O,I forgot I was in school.It don‘t seem a bit like thebig school.I like this school the best,I do.”

36.“Can you think of any thing else that I read?”

37.“Let me see,-O,yes!You read that Uncle Daniel has a big yard full of cows!and that he puts their milk into large vats and makes it into cheese.

38.”I should like to go to Uncle Daniel’s and see him make cheese.Where does he live?in Michigan?“asked Herbert.

39.”Mamma,“said the little teacher,“have we an UncleDaniel,just as this story says?”

40.“Yes,my children,Uncle Daniel is your father‘s brother;and he lives a long way from here,in the State of New York.He has a large cheese dairy.”

41.“Thank you,mamma.I did not know that this was a true story about our own uncle.I thought it was just a made-up story,”said Arthur,quite forgetting that he was the teacher.

42.Then turning to Herbert and Irving,he said,“Boys,I see that you remember the story pretty well.How much one can learn by reading!We can learn almost every thing by reading.

43.”There are many things that we should like to know that we can find out no other way,and this is one reason why we should learn to read.“44.”That is well said,Arthur.I think your teacher is right in saying that you are quite a teacher,“said mamma.





















