



1.Miss Fairlie laid her hand gently on the boy’s shoulder.“What if I tell you that you have a Friend in a far country,who gives you many more presents than Ned‘s uncle gives him;who never forgets you,nor ceases to do every thing for your good;who writes to you kinder letters even than those Ned receives from his uncle,and who is preparing a house in the far-off country for your reception,when it is His will to take you to live with Himself.”

2.At these words a light flashed on the boy’s mind;he saw Miss Fairlie‘s meaning.Yes,he had such a Friend;but could he say he had ever thought of Him in that light?God did indeed lavish many gifts on him;yet how little he had loved Him!how little had he striven to please Him,as Ned did his uncle,by obeying His commands!

3.Ned had crept close beside his aunt-the light in his eyes telling he knew something of that Friend also,and loved to hear Him spoken of.

4.“Dear boys,”Miss Fairlie said,“think one moment on God’s unspeakable gift.He gave His only Son,that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish,but have everlasting life.

5.”In comparison with that gift,all others are as nothing.Kind,loving Jesus,to leave his glory and come to earth to suffer and die for us!Surely,when we think of that,we can say from our hearts,‘Whom having not seen,we love.’“6.Some days after the events we have written of,George received a small parcel,which,on unfolding,he found to be a prettily bound Bible-a gift from Miss Fairlie.A mark,in the form of an anchor,was slipped in at the first chapter of first Peter and underlined were the words,“Jesus Christ,whom having not seen,ye love.”

7.Reader,do you love Jesus?He has loved you with an everlasting love-loved you so as to die for you.Do you love Him in return?Earthly friends may be kind,but He is far kinder.“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.”He is preparing a house for you in the far country.

8.He has purchased it for you with His own blood.Surely,unseen you must love Him who hath done such great things for you.Hear his words:“Thomas,because thou hast seen me,thou hast believed:blessed are they that have not seen,and yet have believed.”

9.One day we shall see Him face to face,and,through His merits,shall enter the home and the land that are now afar off:

10.There,beside yon crystal river,There,beneath life‘s wondrous tree,There,with nought to grieve or sever,Ever with the Lamb to be;Heirs of glory,that shall be For you and me!










