
第210章 第三册(35)

"It was the picture of an eagle"s head that teacher showed us. The eagle is the king of birds. Amongstthe other birds of prey are vultures, hawks, falcons, and owls.""I think Norah would have been pleased withthose fishing birds," said Will,

"What are they like?" asked Norah. "Are theyfierce and cruel too?"

"Well, I don"t know that they are fierce," said Will, "except perhaps to the fishes, frogs, and other creatures of that sort, which they catch in the water for their food. But they seem to be fitted in a very wonderful way for the life they have to lead.

"These birds are always found in marshy, swampy places, or by the banks of rivers, because it is only in such places that they can find the animals on which they feed. They have long, slender, pointed beaks.

"They are ver y keen of sight, and most clever at their fishing.

No sooner does the bird catch sight of its prey in the water than it darts upon it likelightning, pierces it through with that sharp, pointed beak, and bringsit to the surface.