
第234章 第三册(59)

"You are a dear good father," said Fred, while the tears sparkled in his eyes. "This is the very thing we wanted. Now we can get along beautifully.""Go on then," said his father, "and as I have a little time to spare, I will sit and listen to you."Fred began by turning to some of the pictures of snakes. He pointed out the strange form of this new kind of animal-a creature with a very long body, but without the least sign of legs or limbs of any sort.

"But you must not think," he added, "that these are sluggish, helpless animals, because they have no limbs. They are all very quick and nimble in their movements. They are equally at home on the ground or among the branches of trees, for theyclimb trees and dart from branch to branch with the greatest rapidity.""But I can"t see how they can move at all," said Norah, "without limbs. Other animals use their limbs for moving about.""Teacher made us understand it all today," replied Fred, "and I think I can make it clear to you.