
第30章 第一册(30)

"These are tigers," said the father. "How savage that one looks, Fred! He would like to get hold of you.""They have the same eyes as the lion and the cat for seeing in the dark," said Fred. "Look too at thatgreat fellow with his mouth open. There are the same great teeth in front. They would quickly tear you to pieces, if he once got hold of you.""Just look at his great paws too, father," said Norah. "Has he got the same sharp claws?""Yes." said her father, "if you look at that fellow in the corner, growling over his meat, you can see them.

"The lion and the tiger, you see, are both very very much bigger than the biggest Saint Bernard dog you ever saw. The tiger"s body is longer than the lion"s body, but he does not stand quite so high. They both lash their long tails when they are angry." "What a fine striped coat the tiger has," saidNorah, "and how smooth and glossy it is!""Yes," said her brother, "but the lion"s coat is not smooth and not striped. He is covered with rough tawny yellow hair.