
第54章 第一册(54)

"Now come into my own little garden. Father let me make a radish bed all for myself, and they are growing at a jolly rate. Here, let us pull up one of them. There"s a root for you, little girl. Take my knifeand cut it across."

"Why, it is quite thick and solid all through," said Norah.

"Yes," said her brother, "teacher calls them Fleshy Roots, because they are so thick and solid.""You know, Norah," Will joined in, "carrots and turnips and parsnips are all roots like this one.""Teacher told us why some plants have these fleshy roots and others fibrous roots," said Fred.

"Let us go back to the young plants, that I began to thin out. Perhaps I can make it clear to you. Father sowed the seeds for these in the spring. By and by, during the summer, they will bear sweet- smelling flowers, and when the winter comes they will die.