

George P. Morris (b. 1802,d. 1864) was born in Philadelphia. In 1823 he became one of the editors of the "New York Mirror," a weekly literary paper,In 1846 Mr. Morris and N. P. Willis founded "The Home Journal." He was associate editor of this popular journal until a short time before his death.

1.This book is all that’s left me now,- Tears will unbidden start,-With faltering lip and throbbing brow I press it tmy heart.

For many generations past Here is our family tree;My mother‘s hands this Bible clasped,She,dying,gave it me.

2.Ah! well dI remember those Whose names these records bear;Whround the hearthstone used tclose,After the evening prayer,And speak of what these pages said In tones my heart would thrill!

Though they are with the silent dead,Here are they living still!

3.My father read this holy hook Tbrothers,sisters,dear;How calm was my poor mother’s look,Whloved God‘s word thear!

Her angel face,-I see it yet!

What thronging memories come! Again that little group is metWithin the walls of home!

4.Thou truest friend man ever knew,Thy constancy I’ve tried;When all were false,I found thee true,My counselor and guide.

The mines of earth ntreasures give That could this volume buy;In teaching me the way tlive,It taught me how tdie.