
第14章 The Secret of Don Quixote’s Appeal

For more than three centuries readers in all countries have been delighted by the adventures of an absurd① gentleman named Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza. The masterpiece② of Miguel de Cervantes, a Spanish contemporary③ of Shakespear, Don Quixote tells of a poor gentleman who tries to relive the heroic days of old by seeking adventure in the manner of the knight errant of medieval romance.

Don Quixote’s popularity is not caused merely by his being delightfully nonsense④, a comical nuisance⑤, an absurd figure apt to get into trouble wherever he goes. Beneath his humorous surface Don Quixote is the embodiment⑥, even though he is also the exaggeration, of a great idea—that life holds more than the humdrum⑦ routine of everyday affairs, that true greatness is to be found only in the spirit of service to an ideal.

That for Don Quixote the ideal is an illusion does not detract from its fascination, though it does make him a pathetic⑧ figure. To attempt the impossible for the sake of honor, to add to the store of human greatness by risking everything without the hope of material gain, to endure danger and hardship because endurance itself is noble—this is the quixotic⑨ ideal; this is the secret of Don Quixote’s universal appeal.

We must laugh at this absurdity, but we are moved by it as well; if there is any chivalry or generosity⑩ in us, we cannot help being on his side, however, innocent his victims. We know he cannot win, but his misguided valor excites our pity with our laughter.

① absurdadj. 不合理的,荒谬的;可笑的,愚蠢的

② masterpiecen. (个人或团体的)最杰出的作品

③ contemporaryadj. 当代的

④ nonsensen. 胡说;胡闹,愚蠢的举动

⑤ nuisancen. 讨厌的人(或事物);麻烦事[C]

⑥ embodimentn. 具体化;化身

⑦ humdrumadj. 单调的;无聊的

⑧ patheticadj. 引起怜悯的;可怜的;可悲的

⑨ quixoticadj. 堂吉诃德式的;狂想的;不能实现的

⑩ generosityn. 宽宏大量;慷慨[U]




