
第17章 Ancient Sagas

The earliest histories were not written, but oral songs and sagas① such as the battle and adventure tales told by the poet Homer in the Iliad and the Odyssey.

The wandering bards who passed these stories from generation to generation made no attempt to sort out fact from fiction②. For them, the grand legends of gods and supernatural③ heroes were as real and important as actual events. Today we know that many of these ancient sagas, although exaggerated④, do have a real basis in fact.

The story of the Trojan War, told in the Iliad, was long thought to be pure fiction:however, today we can visit the ruins of Troy and walk through the gateway, guarded by a ruined tower, through which the Trojan soldiers marched out to meet the forces of the invading Greeks. What is more, the man who discovered the ruins of this city made use of no documents or research materials other than Homer’s description of its location.

The “one-eyed giant⑤” who hurled⑥ rocks down upon Odysseus ships in the Odyssey has been identified as the volcano of Mount Etna, which has frequently poured out rocky death, and whose cone can glow like a single eye against the dark of night. Nearby, in the sea off the coast of Sicily, lie some huge and jagged⑦ rocks which look as if a giant might have hurledthem there, just as Odysseus homecoming⑧ sailors reported.

① sagan. 传说;英雄事迹

② fictionn. (总称)小说[U]

③ supernaturaladj. 超自然的,神奇的,不可思议的

④ exaggeratev. 夸张,夸大;对……言过其实

⑤ giantn. 巨人

⑥ hurlv. 猛力投掷[(+at/upon)]

⑦ jagv. 使成缺口

⑧ homecomingadj. 回家(乡)的;回国的




