
第21章 Cats and Rats

Cats are sadistic① murderers, but they have been rated as being as detestable② as rats in a poll of British gardeners?

Though the animals are the UK’s favorite pets, British gardeners have struck back by crowning the cat as one of the most unwelcome visitors to their plot.

Cats cut a swathe③ through the nation’s wildlife, killing around 300 million animals every year.

Predatory④ is instincts

Cats are solitary predatory huntersand theirmotivation to hunt is quite separate from its desire to satisfy hunger. Even with a full stomach, a cat cannot resist the stimuli of prey passing nearby. It doesn’t make sense for a cat to wait until it’s hungry to catch food—there may be none around then. Better to hunt when there’s the opportunity and hide the food away.

Cats make sickness

Wildlife experts say keeping cats locked up from dusk to dawn will prevent much of the carnage⑤ they create, and will also mean they are less likely to be run over. The message is clear, most people are heartily sick of having their neighbors’ cats in their garden”.

Is the bell useful?

Owners who have resorted to collar bells to warn prey may have underestimated feline guile. Some cats have learned to hold their heads to minimize noise coming from the bells around their necks. Perhaps we need to admire this skill, rather than get paranoid⑥ about it.

Even today, some people view the black cat as an omen⑦ of misfortune. Even the English language is stacked against the moggy⑧.Spiteful people are dubbed as being “catty”. A raucous⑨ cry is a “caterwaul”. At work, a greedy, lazy boss is a “fat cat”.

① sadisticadj. 残酷成性的

② detestableadj. 讨厌的,可憎的,可恶的

③ swathe(=swath)n. 长而宽的一长条,细长的列

④ predatoryadj. 以捕食其他动物为生的,食肉的

⑤ carnagen.大屠杀

⑥ paranoidn.偏执狂患者

⑦ omenn. 预兆,兆头[C][(+of)]

⑧ moggyn. [英][俚]猫,[英][方]小牛,母牛

⑨ raucousadj. 声音沙哑的,刺耳的










