
第20章 Walking

Walking is the oldest mode of transportation. After all, humans have been doing it for more than 1.5 million years. It’s also the cheapest, easiest form of aerobic exercise: all you have to do is open your front door, step outside and get moving.

Walking strengthens① the hips, quadriceps②, gluteus③ muscles and hamstrings. At speedier levels, when your heart rate is elevated, you can burn more calories than you might realize as well as improve your endurance. Research suggests that walking can reduce your risk of heart disease and may lower high blood pressure. In fact, a study indicates that walking two or more miles a day helped elderly men live longer. Since walking is a weight bearing activity, it also helps prevent osteoporosis④.

① strengthenvt. 加强;增强;巩固 vi. 变强大;变坚挺

② quadricepn. 复合腿部训练机

③ gluteusn. 【解】臀肌

④ osteoporosisn. 【医】骨质疏松


