
第21章 英语语段写作图式与技术(5)



(1)A Visit to Rural Kenya

At the end of July 1995, I boarded a plane that would take me from my home in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Nairobi, Kenya.My parents had always wanted to take our family abroad, but when my mother signed a contract to work for the U.S.Agency for International Development in Kenya, plans materialized, and we were soon on our way to an exotic year in Africa.

(2)When I think of Georgetown University, I think of Washington and world affairs.I do not know yet exactly what type of professional career I will pursue after schooling, but I do know that I wish to be inter-nationally aware and involved, and that Georgetown would provide me with a solid foundation for that goal.(入学申请)




一篇论文题目为On Foreign Language Learner Errors的引入段。


In the area of foreign language teaching, there have been some theories in which foreign language learner errors are analyzed, and diverse methods of dealing with them are suggested.These theories, however, offer different or even contraditory views on errors and completely different strategies in dealing with them.As a result, many foreign language teachers in China feel puzzled when facing their students' errors.Therefore, it is necessary to make still further research on the domain of error analysis and find proper error-treating ways in China where the number of foreign language learners, already great, is rising.




Dear Mr.President,

I'm very lucky to attend this world-famous university, but I'm afraid I'm not content with the canteen service on campus.(原因)


Dear Sir,

A recent advertisment in the TV Times magazine asks people to consider emigrating to Austria.I would be very grateful if you could give me more information about the possibility of emigrating, particularly information about the help you could offer.(原因和目的)


Dear Mr.Wu,

Your letter of 10 March to the British Council, Beijing, has been forwarded to me, and I am pleased to send you our Prospectus for the summer courses of 2005.(原因和目的)









(1)"There are three kinds of lies-lies, damned lies, and statistics."Mark Twain.

Well, perhaps Mr.Twain didn't see the beauty of numbers the way that I do.Because ever since grade school, mathematics has been my favorite subject. And once I was in college and could focus on many areas of math, I realized that I had a genuine interest to applying mathematical and statistical theories to real-world concerns. Hey, even Twain the skeptic realized the importance of balancing the cargo on shallow, difficult-to-navigate riverboats so that the port and starboardsides were equally laden-he even advised the captains to part their hair down the middle so that the weight was perfectly distributed!

I am eager to start the work that will bring me my Ph.D.in statistics. I am also looking forward to continuing my investigation of how I can apply mathematical theories in the real world. Mark Twain may despair of my chosen career, but I agree with Thomas Carlyle, who said, Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness.

(2)Little Lessons I've learned on my way..

In his poem, The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost wrote,"Two roads diverge in the woods, and I took the one least traveled by/ And that has made all the difference."In this poem, the narrator had a choice of two roads. However, I've discovered that life is a little more complicated. Sometimes the path we embark on is not always the one we choose. Sometimes we are pushed or pulled in certain directions and we have to react to our environment.

And as I offer myself as a Ph.D candidate in your Political Sociology department, I bring to the table years of work experience which includes steady and continuous promotions, an unrelenting pursuit for knowledge, a compassion for children and people, and a belief that anything is possible if we can actively imagine it into existence.Throughout my adult life, I never lost my path and I hope that you will allow me to continue this path at the University of Nebraska.










