
第23章 像孩子一样快乐生活

Choose Your Attitude and Expand Your Thinking

Understand these mew words before you listen to this article.

1. reflect[ri'flekt] v. 反映,表现

2. awe[?:] n. 敬畏;畏怯

3. instinctively[in'sti?ktivli] adv. (出于)本能地;凭直觉

4. stifle ['sta?fl] v. 使窒息; 抑制;

5. bounce[ba?ns] v.使跳起

6. conceive[k?n'si:v] v. 构想出,想像,设想

I don’t know what it is about this time of year that makes me start reflecting over how I’ve spent my time on this whirling orb.

As I think back I realize how hard it is to view the world through the eyes of my childhood. As children every day is filled with awe and wonder. A child’s mind is still filled with the idea that anything and everything is possible. They haven’t begun building the mental walls yet. They haven’t learned to worry what others think.

Watch a child learning to walk and it’s amazing. No matter how many times they fall down, they hop back up because they instinctively know that eventually they’ll be able to walk. They don’t have to worry what others think. They have no need to put up a front. But somewhere along the line they learn to be practical. Their creativity becomes stifled over time, as the world teaches them to fit in. Eventually they don’t bounce back as fast when they fail. Having fun is no longer the goal. Learning and growing are now a chore. Goals are no longer lofty. Goals are now set within the confines of their more limited view of life.

It doesn’t have to be like that. You and I can tear down those walls that are closing in and start fresh. It’s time to bring back that sense of joy and wonder.

When you’re setting your goals for the New Year, think like a child. Expand your thinking. Set your goals as if anything is possible. Don’t worry about what “they”think. It’s your goal and you can achieve it. View the world through the wonder struck eyes of a child.

In the words of Napoleon Hill, “If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.” I know you can do great things. Do you?









Learning for Better Understanding

Listen to the article, and then try to answer the following questions.

1. When does the author usually make the reflection?


2. Why do we bounce back as fast like before when we grow up?

Chunks in Practice

Listen to the following passage twice and then fill in the blanks with

appropriate words.

1. A child’s mind is still _____ with the idea that anything and everything is possible. They haven’t begun building the _____ walls yet. They haven’t _____ to worry what others think.

2. Having fun is no longer the goal. _____ and _____ are now a chore. Goals are no longer lofty. Goals are now set within the _____ of their more limited view of life.

3. Set your goals as if anything is _____ . Don’t _____ about what “they” think. It’s your goal and you can achieve it. View the world _____ the wonder struck eyes of a child.

Now a Try

How do you understand the words of Napoleon Hill “If you can conceive

it, you can achieve it.” ?