
第22章 Tort Law 侵权法(3)

i njuncti ve rel i ef 禁令性救济;法令救济;强制救济

product l i abi l i ty制造商的)产品责任,商品损害责任,损害补偿义务[略作PL]

stri ct l i abi l i ty严格责任;严格赔偿责任

fal se i m pri sonm ent[法律]非法扣留,非法监禁

i ntenti onaltort故意侵权;故意侵权行为

negl i gence tort过失侵权行为

tort l i abi l i ty[法律]侵权行为赔偿责任

duty of care [律]注意义务

i ntenti onali nfl i cti on of em oti onaldi stress故意精神伤害

fi duci ary duty信托责任;诚信义务

1.ouse of Lords (英国国会上议院,贵族院): The Houseof Lords ( also known as House of Peers for ceremonial purposes) is the upper house, but the second chamber, of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and is also commonly referred to as“the Lords”. Parliament comprises theSovereign, theHouseof Commons ( which is thelower houseof Parliament and referred to as“the Commons”) , and the Lords.

2. respass to chattels (侵犯动产行为): Trespass to chattels is a tort whereby the infringing party has intentionally ( or in Australia negligently) interfered with another person s lawful possession of a chattel. The interference can be any physical contact with the chattel in a quantifiable way, or any dispossession of thechattel ( whether by taking it, destroying it, or barring the owner s access to it) . As opposed to the greater wrong of conversion, trespass to chattels is only actionable if actual damagecan be shown.

3.uty of care (注意义务): In tort law, a duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an ndividual requiring that he adheres to a standard of reasonablecare while performing any cts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the first element that must be established to roceed with an action in negligence. The plaintiff must be able to show a duty of care mposed by law which the defendant ( or defender) has breached. In turn, breaching a uty may subject an individual to liability in tort.

4. njunctive relief (法令救济): It is referred to an act or prohibition of an act by the order f thecourt which is injunction, granted in special cases to ensure that no injusticebedone till the time the final judgment is passed and it brings relief to either party of the lawsuit too.

5. iduciary duty (诚信义务): A fiduciary duty is a legal or ethical relationship of confidence or trust between two or more parties, most commonly a fiduciary and a principal. One party, for examplea corporate trust company or the trust department of a bank, holds a fiduciary relation or acts in a fiduciary capacity to another, such as one whose funds are entrusted to it for investment. In a fiduciary relation one person, in a position of vulnerability, justifiably reposes confidence, good faith, reliance and trust in another whose aid, advice or protection is sought in some matter. In such a relation good conscience requires oneto act at all times for thesolebenefit and interests of another, with loyalty to those interests.

6.roduct liability (产品责任): Product liability is the area of law in which manufacturers, istributors, suppliers, retailers, and others who make products available to the public are held responsible for the injuries those products cause. In the United States, the claims most commonly associated with product liability are negligence, strict liability, breach of warranty, and various consumer protection claims. The majority of product liability laws are determined at the state level and vary widely from stateto state. Each typeof product liability claim requires different elements to be proven to present a successful claim.

I Reading comprehension.

1.orts may be categorized in a number of ways. Can you list out any of them? 2. What is a negligence tort?

3. What are the elements consisting a negligence tort?

4. What is an intentional tort?

5. What is the key difference between negligence torts and intentional torts?

6. If a plaintiff attempts to prove that a defendant committed the intentional tort of battery, what factors must he or she fulfill?

7. What kinds of intentional torts does Common Law include?

8. According to the text, what is the main remedy against tortious loss?

IIFill in the blanks with the words and expressions in the box.

interest liability plaintiff submerged


Economic torts protect people from( 1)with their tradeor business. Thearea includes the doctrine of restraint of trade and has largely been ( 2)in the 20th century by statutory interventions on collective labor law and modern antitrust or competition law. The“absence of any ( 3)principle drawing together the different heads of economic tort ( 4)”has often been remarked upon.

Two cases demonstrated economic tort s ( 5)to competition and labor law. In Mogul Steamship Co. Ltd. the ( 6)argued he had been driven from the Chinese tea market by competitors at a“shipping conference”thathad acted together to underprice his company. But this cartel was ruled lawful and“nothing more than a war of competition waged in the ( 7)of their own trade”. Nowadays, this would be considered a( 8)cartel.

III Paragraph translation from English into Chinese.

As a rule no distinction is made between thosetorts which would ordinarily beclassified as intentional and those which would ordinarily be classified as negligent, nor do the courts discuss the effect of different kinds of insanity or of varying degrees of capacity as bearing upon the ability of the defendant to understand that particular act in question or to make a reasoned decision with respect to it, although it is sometimes said thatan insaneperson is not liable for torts requiring malice of which he is incapable.

IV Paragraph translation from Chinese into English.

每个人都要对其侵权行为负责,在有限的情况下儿童亦然(但是,父母仅当其作为该儿童的代理人或未能按照其监护义务行事时才负此责) ,但国家不在此列,除非法律明文规定取消了国家豁免权。

V Discussion.

How is injury defined in U.S.tort law?