7.姓氏的广泛使用也得归功于诺曼人。姓氏的来源极其广泛,其中最多的是一些个人品质方面的词汇,比如Armstrong(手臂有力)、Whitehead(白头)、Swift(敏捷);还有关于职业与商业贸易的词汇,比如Smith(铁匠)、Falconer(用猎鹰狩猎者)、Taylor(裁缝)、Miller(磨坊工人)。另外还有许多基督教词汇也演变为姓氏,有的加上丹麦词缀son,例如Wilson;有的加上撒克逊词缀ing,例如Clavering;有的加上凯尔特词缀Mac或者O,例如Macdonald,O Connell;还有的加上诺曼词缀Fitz,例如Fitzgerald。
gladdening,making glad;cheerful.
haunts,resorts;dwelling-places.immortal,deathless.sanctuaries,holy places.
Yule-fagots,Christmas logs.
[The song is intended to show the hardship which the Curfew law brought on different classes of the people-especially on students and on watchers by sick-beds.]
1.Hark!from the dim church-tower,The deep,slow curfew‘s chime!
A heavy sound unto hall and bower,In England’s olden time!
Sadly ‘twas heard by him who came From the fields of his toil at night,And who might not see his own hearth’s flame In his children‘s eyes make light.
2.Woe for the wanderer then
In the wild-deer’s forests far!
No cottage-lamp to the haunts of men Might guide him as a star.
And woe for him whose wakeful soul,With lone aspirings filled,Would have lived o‘er some immortal scroll While the sounds of earth were stilled.
3.And yet a deeper woe
For the watchers by the bed,Where the fondly loved in pain lay low,And rest forsook the head;-For the mother,doomed unseen to keep By the dying babe her place,And to feel its flitting pulse,and weep,Yet not behold its face!
4.Darkness,in chieftain’s hall!
Darkness,in peasant‘s cot!
While Freedom,under that shadowy pall,Sat mourning o’er her lot.
Oh!the fireside‘s peace we well may prize,For blood hath flowed like rain,Poured forth to make sweet sanctuaries Of England’s homes again!
5.Heap the Yule-fagots high,
Till the red light fills the room!
It is home‘s own hour,when the stormy sky Grows thick with evening gloom.
Gather ye round the holy hearth,And by its gladdening blaze,Unto thankful bliss we will change our mirth,With a thought of the olden days.
ENGLAND,1154to 1603A.D.
1154to 1189A.D.-35years(公元1154~1189年,在位35年)clergy,ministers;priests.
did penance,showed his sorrow.
homage,promise of obedience.
1.Henry the Second,the first Plantagenet King,was the son of Geoffrey,Count of Anjou,and Maud,daughter of Henry the First.He was the most powerful King of his time-ruling not only England,but also the greater part of France.He also subdued Wales and Ireland.
2.His first care was to lessen the power of the barons;and this he did by causing many of their castles to be destroyed.Then,wishing to rule the clergy,he took into his favour a priest named Thomas Becket-a Norman by birth,and son of a wealthy London merchant-gave him great wealth and power,and made him Archbishop of Canterbury.
3.But Becket,when he had got this great power,did not do as Henry wished.He gave up his rich and costly manner of living,and all his long train of followers.He began to eat coarse food;he wore sackcloth next his skin,keeping it on until it was painful for him to wear it;and he daily washed the feet of thirteen beggars.
4.He then took the part of the clergy against Henry.The Council,or Parliament,drew up laws,called the Constitutions of Clarendon,in Henry’s favour.Becket nevertheless continued to give Henry so much trouble,that one day,when he was in France,and heard of Becket‘s wilful ways,he became verya Geoftrey (Jeffray).-He bore the surname Plantagenet,which was afterwards adopted by his descendants on the English throne,and which he derived from the device,a sprig of broom (plante de genet),which his family wore.The Plantagenet Line includes the Houses of Anjou,Lancaster,and York.
angry,and said,“Is there not one of the cowardly knights eating of my bread that will rid me of this stubborn priest?”
5.Four of his knights,hearing what was said,and being very jealous ofaBecket’s power,secretly crossed over to England,and went to Canterburytomurder Becket.They found him in the cathedral,at the altar;and there they fell upon him and dashed out his brains.
6.When Henry heard of this horrid murder,he was not only very sorry,but also much afraid of the Pope‘s anger.He therefore ordered a splendid tomb to be built for Becket:and he did penance by walking barefoot through Canterbury to the tomb;and by allowing himself,as he knelt there,to be scourged with knotted cords.
7.The chief event of Henry’s reign was the invasion of Ireland.This country was at that time divided into six provinces,ruled by as many Kings.Two of the most powerful of thesequarrel led,and one of them applied to Henry for help.Henry al low ed some of his nobles with their knights to go to his aid.The chief of these wa s Strongbow,Earl of Pembroke.Soon afterwards he went himself,and received the homa ge of several of the chiefs.
8.Henry had four sons,Henry,Geoffrey,Richard,and John.
They were wild and disobedient,