
第74章 远古时期的英格兰,公元1154年前(74)

14.第二天一早,珀金的队伍发现头领不见了,他的妻子也因失去爱人的保护而伤心哭泣。接下来,国王下令将队伍中许多人以叛徒论处,当场吊死;一队骑兵也a 都铎王朝的公主:詹姆士迎娶了亨利七世的长公主玛格丽特·都铎,因为她的血缘,后来的苏格兰国王詹姆士六世得以在1603年称王英格兰。

b 陶顿:位于索默塞特郡,地处埃克塞特城东北28英里。

c 神圣避难所:即规定抓捕行为为非法的特殊处所。古时候在许多大教堂和修道院中,有一处特殊场所可以让正义的逃难者避难,追捕者不能在此地对他下手,这样的地方就被叫做神圣避难所,或者叫圣地。







1509to 1547A.D.-38years(公元1509~1547年,在位38年)B.A.,Bachelor of Arts.diligently,carefully.divorce,separation.fleeing,running away.given me over,deserted me.


remorse,sorrow for the wrong he had done.treasury,storehouse of money.unlawful,not according to law.

1.Henry the Eighth,son of the late King,was eighteen years old when he came to the throne.As his father was of the House of Lancaster and his mother of the House of York,he united the two Houses in his own person.He married Catherine of Aragon,widow of his elder brother Arthur.

2.When Henry came to the throne the nation was at peace,and his treasury was full with the wealth which his father‘s greed had gained.But he gave himself up to pleasure and gaiety,and soon wasted all his riches.

3.In 1513he invaded France,and gained


the Battle of Spurs,

-so called because the

French made more use of spurs infleeing than of swords in fighting.While he was away,James the Fourth of Scotland invaded England;but hebwas defeated and slain on FloddenField.

4.Henry’s chief friend and adviser in the early part of his reign was Thomas Wolsey,who,from a low rank in life,rose to the highest offices in the kingdom.

a Battle of Spurs.-Fought at Guinegate,near Terouenne;12miles east of Boulogne,in the north of France.

b Flodden.-In Northumberland;14miles south-west of Berwick.

When a boy he was very fond of books.At fourteen years of age he took the degree of B.A.at Oxford,and was called the Boy Bachelor.

5.Henry,finding Wolsey well able to assist him in all his plans,took him into favour.Wolsey,being also in great favour with the Pope,soon rose to be Archbishop of York,and Cardinal.He had eight hundred followers,and he dressed in the most costly robes.

6.But his glory did not last long.In trying to serve two masters,he lost the favour of both.Henry,after having lived eighteen years with Catherine of Aragon,became tired of her,and fell in love with Anne Boleyn,one of her maids of honour.He therefore asked Wolsey to say that his marriage with his brother‘s widow had been unlawful,and to give him a divorce.

7.Wolsey durst not refuse,and so displease the King;and he durst not comply,and so displease the Pope.He therefore put off the matter from time to time,until the King in anger took from him all his riches and power,and charged him with high treason.

8.But Wolsey was never tried.While on his way to London,filled with grief and remorse,he was taken ill,and he died in Leicester Abbey.On his death-bed he said,“Had I served my God as diligently as I have served the King,he would not have given me over in my gray hairs!”

9.In the meantime Henry had put away Catherine,and married Anne Boleyn.The Pope said that he was wrong,and went against him.Henry defied the Pope,and took on himself the title of Head of the Church of England-a title which was afterwards given him by Parliament.





a 马刺战役:战斗发生在靠近特洛因根盖特,位于法国北部的布伦市以东12英里。

b 弗洛登:位于诺森白兰,地处贝里克西南14英里。







a 约克大主教:英国国教英格兰圣公会的最高神职人员之一,地位仅次于坎特伯雷大主教。约克大主教同时还是约克教区和约克郡城区的主教,掌管英格兰北部以及英属曼地群岛相关宗教事务。依据法律职责,约克大主教同时是英国上议院成员,被尊称为“英格兰大主教”,仅次于坎特伯雷大主教的“全英格兰大主教”称谓。--译者注b 红衣主教:即枢机主教的俗称,因穿戴红衣红帽,被教外人士称为红衣主教。是天主教会神职人员中仅次于教宗的职位,同时也是教宗治理普世教会上的助手和顾问。享有枢机主教教衔的人,通常是各大教区大主教上级的都会主教和宗主教,或是梵蒂冈教廷的内阁成员。--译者注88FLODDEN FIELD弗洛登战场

challenge,a summons to battle.customary,common.despatched,sent.



rebuff,rebuke.reduced,subdued.relics,remains.repelled,drove back.tragedy,fatal event.

1.The motives which led King James the Fourth of Scotland to invade England in the reign of his brother-in-law,were very mixed and very dark.But the fact of the invasion and its sad ending are plain and undoubted.