
第145章 救世主的精神鼓舞


1.THE delivery of the Sermon on the Mount is probably the most striking example of moral courage which the world has ever seen.There are two circumstances,which render the occasion on which it was delivered extraordinary.First,it was a very public occasion.A vast multitude from almost every part of the country were assembled.Judea,the southern province,and Galilee,the northern,were represented;so were the eastern and western shores of the river Jordan,and many distant cities and towns.

2.From all this wide extent of country a vast multitude,attracted by the fame of our Savior’s miracles,had assembled to hear what this professed messenger from heaven had to say.Again,it was probably,though not certainly,a very early occasion,perhaps the first on which the great principles of the gospel were to be announced to men by this discourse,containing,as it does,so plain and specific an exposition of the false notions of religion then prevailing.The Savior must have known,that he was laying the foundation of that enmity which was to result in his destruction.

3.But did he shrink?Did he hold back?Did he conceal or cover over one single obnoxious feature of the truth?He knew that the report of that meeting must be spread to every part of the country.As he looked around upon his auditory,he must have seen,here one from Galilee,there another from beyond the Jordan,and again a third,who would carry his report to distant Jerusalem;and yet,thus completely exposed,instead of attempting to soften or conceal,he brought outall the distinctive features of prevailing error,and contrasted them with the pure principles of his spiritual religion,with a plainness and a point,which was exactly calculated to fix them in memory,and to circulate them most widely throughout the land.

4.It was always so.The plainness,the point,the undaunted boldness,with which he exposed hypocrisy and sin,and the clear simplicity with which he held up to view the principles of real piety,have no parallel.And yet he knew perfectly well that,in direct consequence of these things,a dark storm was gathering,which must burst in all its fury upon his unsheltered head.

5.But the enterprising and determined spirit with which Christ entered into his work,was not satisfied with his own personal exertions.He formed the extraordinary plan of sending out,simultaneously,a number of his most cordial friends and followers,to assist in making the most extensive and powerful impression possible on the community.

6.At first he sent twelve,then seventy,who went everywhere,presenting to men the simple duties of repentance for the past,and of pure and holy lives for the future.There could not have been measures more admirably adapted to accomplish the work he had to do.And they succeeded.In two or three years it was done.And every Christian,who has work to do for his Master here,should learn a lesson from the enterprise,and system,and energy,which Jesus Christ exhibited in doing his great work.







