
第41章 华盛顿的青少年时代


1.JUST as Washington was passing from boyhood to youth,the enterprise and capital of Virginia were seeking a new field for exercise and investment,in the unoccupied public domain beyond the mountains.The business of a surveyor immediately became one of great importance and trust,for no surveys were executed by the government.To this occupation the youthful Washington,not yet sixteen years of age,and well furnished with the requisite mathematical knowledge,zealously devoted himself.Some of his family connections possessed titles to large portions of public land,which he was employed with them in surveying.

2.Thus,at a period of life when,in a more advanced stage of society,the intelligent youth is occupied in the elementary studiesGeorge Washington as a young surveyorof the schools and colleges,Washington was carrying the surveyor’s chain through the fertile valleys of the Blue Ridge and the Alleghany Mountains;passing days and weeks in the wilderness,beneath the shadow of eternal forests;listening to the voice of the waterfalls,which man‘s art had not yet set to the healthful music of the saw-mill or the trip-hammer;reposing from the labors of the day on a bear-skin,with his feet to the blazing logs of a camp-fire;and sometimes startled from the deep slumbers of careless,hard-working youth,by the alarm of the Indian war-whoop.

3.This was the gymnastic school in which Washington was brought up;in which his quick glance was formed,destined to range hereafter across the battle-field,through clouds of smoke and bristling rows of bayonets;the school in which his senses,weaned from the taste for those detestable indulgences,miscalled pleasures,in which the flower of adolescence so often languishes and pines away,were early braced up to the sinewy manhood which becomes the“Lord of the lion heart and eagle eye.”

4.There is preserved among the papers of Washington a letter,written to a friend while he was engaged on his first surveying tour,and when he was,consequently,but sixteen years of age.I quote a sentence from it,in spite of the homeliness of the details,for which I like it the better,and because I wish to set before you,not an ideal hero,wrapped in cloudy generalities and a mist of vague panegyric,but the real,identical man,with all the peculiarities of his life and occupation.

5.“Your letter,”says he,“gave me the more pleasure,as I received it among barbarians and an uncouth set of people.Since you received my letter of October last,I have not slept above three or four nights in a bed;but,after walking a good deal all the day,I have lain down before the fire,upon a little hay,straw,fodder,or a bearskin,whichever was to be had,with man,wife,and children,like dogs and cats;and happyis he who gets the berth nearest the fire.Nothing would make it pass off tolerably but a good reward.A doubloon is my constant gain,every day that the weather will permit my going out,and sometimes six pistoles.”

6.If there is an individual in the morning of life who has not yet made his choice between the flowery path of indulgence and the rough ascent of honest industry,if there is one who is ashamed to get his living by any branch of honest labor,let him reflect that the youth who was carrying the theodolite and surveyor’s chain through the mountain passes of the Alleghanies,in the month of March,sleeping on a bundle of hay before the fire,in a settler‘s log-cabin,and not ashamed to boast that he did it for his doubloon a day,is George Washington;that the life he led trained him up to command the armies of United America;that the money he earned was the basis of that fortune which enabled him afterward to bestow his services,without reward,on a bleeding and impoverished country.

7.For three years was the young Washington employed,the greater part of the time,and whenever the season would permit,in this laborious and healthful occupation;and I know not if it would be deemed unbecoming,were a thoughtful student of our history to say that he could almost hear the voice of Providence,in the language of Milton,announce its high purpose,“To exercise him in the wilderness;There shall he first lay down the rudiments Of his great warfare,ere I send him forth To conquer!”









