But almost as good as returning home at day’s end is the exhilarating business of faring晚安,永远美好的明天 067forth then. There is no better time to take atrain to the city than in the precious intervalbetween day and night,when the blue airseems strung with excitement,almost tastingof adventure. Or to walk in a quiet countrylane as the sparrows cheep sleepily,andnight insects awaken to begin a fine musicalclamor. Listen to that cricket!
Meanwhile,nearly forgotten,the lastlovely light of day is caught on a pond andbehind a hill,back of your barn and aroundthe corner. But when you look again,it willbe gone.
To go out…to go somewhere and meetthe evening…
黄昏的时候,我醒了。黑夜的第一片投影正缓缓地渗入左邻右舍。烟囱与068 不畏将来,不念过往屋顶沐浴在薄暮淡淡的余晖中,散发着粉色的光晕。天空已沉淀成那种澄郁参半、接近夜色的深蓝。第一颗明星出现了,啊,我最信赖的许愿星出现在了它一直坚守的位置。
1. 恩佐·法拉利(ENZO.FERRARI)
2. 兰博基尼(Lamborghini)
3. 奔驰 SLR(Mercedes-Benz/SLR)
4. 布加迪·威龙(Bugatti)
5. 福特GT(FORD/GT)
6. 克莱斯勒(Chrysler)
7. 阿斯顿·马丁DB9(AstonMartin DB9)
8. 保时捷CarreraGT(Porsche /CarreraGT)
9. 宾利欧陆GT(Bentley/GT)
10. 帕格尼(Pagani)
Crabs in the Cage
There is a type of crab thatcannot be caught-it is agile andclever enough to get out of any crabtrap. And yet,these crabs are caughtby the thousands every day,thanksto a particular human trait theypossess.
The trap is a wire cage witha hole at the top. Bait is placed inthe cage,and the cage is lowered intothe water. One crab comes along,entersthe cage,and begins munching on the bait. Asecond crab joins him. A third...
Eventually,however,all the bait is gone. The crabs could easily climb up the side of thecage and through the hole,but they do not. They stay in the cage. Other crabs come along andjoin them-long after the bait is gone. And more.
Should one of the crabs realize there is no further reason to stay in the trap and attemptto leave,the other crabs will gang up on him and stop him. They will repeatedly pull himoff the side of the cage. If he is persistent,the others will tear off his claws to keep him fromclimbing. If he persists still,they will killhim.
The crabs-by force of the majority-stay together in the cage. The cage ishauled up,and it’s dinner time on the pier.
The chief difference between thesecrabs and humans is that these crabs live inwater and humans on land.
Anyone who has a dream-one thatmight get them out of what they perceiveto be a trap-had best beware of the fellowinhabitants of the trap.
The human crabs (we call them trolls) do not usually use physical force-althoughthey are certainly not above it. They generally don’t need it,however. They have moreeffective methods at hand,and in mouth-doubt,ridicule,sarcasm,humiliation,and dozens ofothers not listed in our dictionary.
The point is to manage to keep the trolls away from your goals.
陈梓 译
最后,所有的诱饵都吃完了。螃蟹本来可以很容易地爬上笼子的顶端,穿过那个洞晚安,永远美好的明天 071出去,但是它们不会这么做。它们就呆在笼子里,而其他螃蟹也一起进来加入它们的行列-即使诱饵早已被吃完。于是,螃蟹越聚越多。
eye candy 养眼花瓶
eyelid 眼皮
an eye for an eye 以牙还牙
eye boogers 眼屎
pink eye 红眼病
eye witness 目击者
eye shadow 眼影
eyeliner 眼线笔eye-catching 吸引眼球
eyelashes 眼睫毛
catch someone’s eye 引起注意
make eyes at sb 向某人送秋波
apple of one’s eyes 心肝宝贝,掌上明珠
The List
I wouldn’t have picked up thepiece of paper if I hadn’t seen thosebig red words at the top: DON’TFORGET. After all,the paper wascovered with dusty footprints,andI had to lean way out from my deskto reach it in the aisle. But I wascurious. Don’t forget what?
The paper was thick like apostcard and about the same size.
Under the big red DON’T FORGET,there were three numbered items printed inpencil. 1. Snow peas 2. Shakespeare 3. Paul Kuhlman.
I stared at the list,a chill sweeping over me. What was my name doing on someone’s list?
And what was it that this person wanted to remember about me? After all,no one here knewanything about me,except that I was born in Iran,grew up in New York,and had just movedto Chicago. That’s all Mrs. Allison had told the class when she introduced me yesterday. Andno one had really spoken to me since then,except for the boy with glasses who asked if hecould have my brownie at lunch.
I looked around,but no one looked back. Everyone seemed focused on the test that Mrs.
Allison was handing out. I took my copy of the test from the girl infront of me and passed the rest back. But after I put my name at the topof the page,my mind went blank. I should know the answers. My classin New York had already covered decimals. But all I could see was 3.
Paul Kuhlman. What did it mean?
After the test,I tried to concentrate on our science lesson. ButI heard the same words over and over in my mind. Snow peas,Shakespeare,and me.
“Paul.” I jumped when Mrs. Allison called my name. “It’s time toline up for lunch.”