
第39章 请加入到微笑者和感恩者的行列 (1)

Please Join the Smile Club And Be Grateful


Life is Life生活就是生活

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.

Life is beauty, admire it.

Life is bliss, taste it.

Life is a dream, realize it.

Life is a challenge, meet it.

Life is a duty, complete it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a promise, fulfill it.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.

Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a struggle, accept it.

Life is a tragedy, confront it.

Life is an adventure, dare it.

Life is luck, make it.

Life is too precious, do not destroy it.

Life is life, fight for it.

















Celebration of Life生命的庆典

I was discouraged because I wanted to know why we as a culture wait until somebody have passed away before we tell them how much we love them. Why do we wait until someone’s ears can’t hear before we let them know how much they mean to us? Why do we wait until it is too late before we recall the good qualities of a person? Why do we build someone up after they have gone into eternity? What good does it do then? We share memory after memory, as we laugh, cry, and think back about what was positive in a person’s life. Yes, it does help us cope with the grief of losing someone who was special to us, and, yes, it does bring those who are coping closer together. Unfortunately, as we lovingly remember this person, our words fall short of the ears that most needed to hear them. Just once I would like to see a celebration of life instead of a gathering of death. A celebration where stories are told, eyes mist over, laughter rings out, and as the speaker concludes his or her loving tribute, the person they are honoring rises from his chair and gives them the biggest bear hug!Wouldn’t that be something! The special people get to hear the stories and come to the realization that they have made a difference on this earth, and all this is done well before they leave their earthly bodies and go into eternity. When the inevitable funerals finally come, we can say good-bye with the knowledge that they knew exactly how people felt about them while they were here on earth.


The Joy of Living 生活的乐趣

Joy in living comes from having fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open. Joy in living can never be assumed as a pose, or put on from the outside a mask. People who have this joy don’t need to talk about it, they radiate it. They just live out their joy and let it splash its sunlight into other lives as nature as a bird sings.

We can never get it from working for it directly. It comes, like happiness, to those who are aiming at something higher. It’s a byproduct of great, simple living. The joy of living comes from what we put into our living, not from what we seek to get from it.



Smiles 微笑

Smiles send us light in the darkness. Smiles bring us warm sunlight on a cold winter day. Smiles can break the hard ice. Smiles are like the rainbow. The rainy days end and the sky is beautiful again.

Smiles show love and friendship. Teachers’ smiles encourage us. Mothers’ smiles warm us. Friends’ smiles make us closer.

We welcome smiles from others. And we should give others our smiles too. No one is richer than a man who often smiles at others. If a man doesn’t smile at you, just smile at him. Smiles help you forget your sadness. Life is a long road. Why not cover it with smiles?




Join the Smile and Compliment Club加入到微笑者和赞美者的行列来

When you smile at someone and they smile back, you automatically feel better. Even if they don’t smile back, you will feel better because you know the most destitute person in the world is the one without a smile. You immediately become richer by giving that person yours.