
第58章 附录B



No. 1:“What to Do When the Puts Come” (February 9, 1976).

No. 2:“All That’s Wrong with the Black-Scholes Model” (February 23,1976).

No. 3:“The Long and the Short of Options Trading” (March 8, 1976).

No. 4:“The Long and the Short of Options Trading (Conclusion)” (March22, 1976).

No. 5:“Why and How Does an Investor Diversify?” (April 5, 1976).

No. 6: “What Happens to Stocks When Options Start Trading” (April19, 1976).

No. 7:“Who Should Worry about Diversification?” (April 26, 1976).

No. 8:“One Way to Estimate Volatility” (May 17, 1976).

No. 9:“What Stop Loss Orders Can and Can’t Do” ( June 14, 1976).

No. 10:“How We Came Up with the Option Formula” ( June 21, 1976).

No. 11:“How We Came Up with the Option Formula (Conclusion)”( July 5, 1976).

No. 12:“What Should We Do about the Fools and the Gamblers?” ( July19, 1976).

No. 13:“Speculation,New Ventures, and the Economy” (August 9, 1976).

No. 14:“Stock Price Volatility Changes: Initial Tests” (August 23, 1976).

No. 15:“Stock Price Volatility Changes: Delays and Causality” (September13, 1976).

No. 16:“Screening Options” (September 20, 1976).

No. 17:“Screening Spreads” (October 1976).


No. 1:“The Search for Put Option Values” ( June 1977).


No. 1:“Is This the Time to Switch to Bonds?” (February 17, 1976).

No. 2:“Inflation and How to Deal with It” (March 1, 1976).

No. 3:“Human Capital and Investments” (March 15, 1976).

No. 4: “Ups and Downs in Human Capital and Business” (March 29,1976).

No. 5:“Why and How Does an Investor Diversify?” (April 12, 1976).

No. 6:“Who Should Worry about Diversification?” (April 26, 1976).

No. 7:“How Passive Monetary Policy Might Work” (May 10, 1976).

No. 8:“What a Non-monetarist Thinks” (May 24, 1976).

No. 9:“What Stop Loss Orders Can and Can’t Do” ( June 14, 1976).

No. 10:“The Accountant’s Job” ( June 28, 1976).

No. 11:“The Magic in Earnings” ( July 12, 1976).

No. 12:“What Should We Do about the Fools and the Gamblers?” ( July19, 1976).

No. 13: “Speculation, New Ventures, and the Economy” (August 9,1976).

No. 14:“Stock Price Volatility Changes: Initial Tests” (August 23, 1976).

No. 15:“Stock Price Volatility Changes: Delays and Causality” (September13, 1976).

No. 16:“The Effects of Restricting Credit” (September 27, 1976).